$curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.bharatpays.in/api/eb_payment/start_transaction", CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "POST", CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('ref_id' => 'XXX1234','first_name' => 'Harshad Sanyal','email' => 'test@gmail.com','mobile' => 'XXXXXX1652','amount' => '1.00','surl' => 'Success Redirect Url','furl' => 'Failed Redirect Url','udf1' => 'Testing','udf2' => 'Testing','udf3' => 'Testing'), CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( "Authorization: Bearer 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45" ), )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;
Name | Description |
Authorization Header | This variable is used only in POST Method Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header. Avail this Token from user login api setting. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
ref_id | Unique Ref Id Ex:- 123456789 |
first_name | Name Ex:- Test |
Email Ex:- testing@gmail.com |
mobile | Mobile Number,exact 10 digit length Ex:- XXXXXX9016 |
amount | Amount Ex:- 1.00 |
surl | Success Redirect Url Ex:- https://api.bharatpays.in/index/.... |
furl | Failed Redirect Url Ex:- https://api.bharatpays.in/index/.... |
udf1 | User Defined Fields, Up to 255 Character (Optional) Ex:- 12 |
udf2 | User Defined Fields, Up to 255 Character (Optional) Ex:- 45 |
udf3 | User Defined Fields, Up to 255 Character (Optional) Ex:- 42 |
success : 0 (failure response)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success response)
Customer will be redirected to payment
gateway page for transaction completion.
$curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.bharatpays.in/api/eb_payment/check_status", CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "POST", CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('ref_id' => 'XXX1234'), CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( "Authorization: Bearer 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45" ), )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;
Name | Description |
Authorization Header | This variable is used only in POST Method Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header. Avail this Token from user login api setting. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
ref_id | Your Ref Id Ex:- 123456789 |
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 1, "message": "Txn status checked successfully.", "data": { "order_id": "111111111", "ref_id": "XX123", "amount": "1.00", "first_name": "Testing", "email": "testing@gmail.com" "mobile": "XXXXX901610" "status": "SUCCESS" "udf1": "" "udf2": "" "udf3": "" "remark": "reamrk Message" "created_at": "" } }
Please Update Your IP Address and Status Check Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example : http://yoursitename.com/callback/recharge_callback
{ "success" : 1, "message" : "EB Payment Detail Update.", "data" : { "type" : 'eb_payment', "order_id": "111111111", "ref_id": "XX123", "amount": "1.00", "first_name": "Testing", "email": "testing@gmail.com" "mobile": "XXXXX901610" "status": "SUCCESS" "udf1": "" "udf2": "" "udf3": "" "remark": "reamrk Message" "created_at": "" } }
$curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => 'https://api.bharatpays.in/api/paytm', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'POST', CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('mobile_no' => '9999999999','amount' => '5000'), CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( 'Authorization: Bearer dsfasdfasdfasfsdfasdfasdfsadfsdf' ), )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;
Name | Description |
mobile_no | Mobile No of The Customer Ex:- 9999999999 |
amount | Amount to Transfer Ex:- 5000 |
Authorization Header | Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header. Avail this Token from user login api setting. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 1, "message": "Request accepted", "data": { "status": "SUCCESS", "amount": "1.00", "remark": "Request accepted", "order_id": "3775356667", "id": "17" } }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 0, "message": "Sender Data Fetched successfully.", "data": { "sender": { "id": "0", "name": "Testing", "mobile_no": "1111111111", "gender": "MALE", "otp_verified": "0", "kyc_status": "1", "address": " ", "created_at": "0000-00-00 00:00:00" }, "beneficiary": [ { "sender_id": "0", "name": "Testing", "ac_no": "16900xxxxxxxx", "ifsc": "BARB0AMARNA", "otp_verified": "0", "account_verify": "0" } ] } }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "data": { "sender_id": 3 }, "success": 1, "message": "Send OTP Successful." }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 1, "message": "Send OTP Successful." }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 1, "message": "OTP Verify Successful." }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "data": { "beneficiary_id": 2 }, "success": 1, "message": "Send OTP Successful." }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 1, "message": "Send OTP Successful." }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 1, "message": "OTP Verify Successful." }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "message": "Transfer Success", "success": 1, "data": { "beneficiary": { "name": "Testing", "ac_no": "169XXXXXXX", "ifsc": "BARXXXXX", "account_verify": "1" } } }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 1, "message": "Payout Request Failed", "data": { "order_id": "11111111", "txn_ref_id": null, "status": "FAILED", "bank_remark": null, "bank_transaction_ref_id": "" } }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 1, "message": "Payout status checked successfully.", "data": { "order_id": "111111111", "reference_id": "0", "status": "FAILED", "bank_remark": null, "bank_transaction_ref_id": "" } }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "data": { "ref_id": "231574" }, "success": 1, "message": "Aadhaar verification Successfully." }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 1, "message": "Aadhaar verification Successfully.", "data": { "ref_id": "231762", "status": "VALID", "message": "Aadhaar verification Successfully.", "care_of": "S/O: testing", "address": "Rajkot,Gujarat-360405", "dob": "03-06-1999", "email": "ed2b29d29a9e9e65093ede521074c359df2f4a0b03fd1ddc816260c9eaaa3991", "gender": "M", "name": "Testing", "split_address": { "country": "India", "dist": "Rajkot", "house": "", "landmark": "", "pincode": "360xxx", "po": "", "state": "Gujarat", "street": "Rajkot", "subdist": "Jamkandorna", "vtc": "" }, "year_of_birth": "1998", "mobile_hash": "75f8f6c2e7d328b26c864e6479a1270b24df2958e94b4395dc0c7b87c8508e4e", "photo_link": "", "success": 1 } }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 1, "message": "Payout Request Submitted Successfully", "data": { "order_id": "682311611361", "recepient_name": "testing", "email_id": "testing@gmail.com", "mobile_no": "90161XXXXX", "amount": "1.00", "reference_id": "1", "bank_remark": null, "user_id": "4", } }
Name | Description |
token | Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting. This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
vpa | Upi ID Set Ex:- yourupiid@icici |
recepient_name | Name Ex:- Testing |
email_id | Email Address Ex:- testing@gmail.com |
mobile | Mobile Number Ex:- 901610XXXX |
amount | Amount Set Ex:- 100 |
reference_id | Unique Ref ID Ex:- 12123 |
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 1, "message": "Payout status checked successfully.", "data": { "order_id": "799619527818", "recepient_name": "Maulik", "email_id": "maulikdobariya@gmail.com", "mobile_no": "9016105096", "amount": "1.00", "reference_id": "10", "bank_remark": null, "status": null, } }
Name | Description |
token | Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting. This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
order_id | Your Order ID Ex:- 12123 |
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 1, "message": "Upi Payout status checked successfully", "data": { "id": "11", "upi_id": "testing@ybl", "request_id": "1008592", "account_exists": "1", "name_at_bank": "Testing", } }
Name | Description |
token | Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting. This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
vpa | Upi ID Set Ex:- yourupiid@icici |
Please Update Your IP Address and Status Check Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example : http://yoursitename.com/callback/recharge_callback
{ "success": 1, "message": "Upi Payout Txn Status Update.", "data": { "recepient_name": "name", "email_id": "test@gmail.com", "order_id": "787987979797", "amount": "1.00", "status": "FAILED", "reference_id": "12", "bank_remark": "319351073217", "type": "upi_payout" } }
https://api.bharatpays.in/api/biometric_psa/register?token=6aczq5q16arnb7gXXXXXXXXXXXXX&contact_person=Testing& address_line_1=testing&address_line_2=Testing&address_line_3=&address_line_4=&district_id=260& state_id=13&location=Testing&pan_no=GTAPDXXXXX&mobile=90161XXXXX&email=testing@gmail.com&name=Helyy& pin=123456&ref_id=123
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "data":{ "psa_id" : "PAYP-568", "status" : "PENDING,APPROVED,REJECTED" }, "success": 1, "message": "Bio PSA Agent Added Sucessfully" }
Name | Description |
token | Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting. This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
contact_person | Contact Person Name Ex:- Testing |
name | Name Ex:- Testing |
Email Address Ex:- testing@gmail.com |
mobile | Mobile Number Ex:- 901610XXXX |
pin | PIN Ex:- 123456 |
pan_no | PAN NO Ex:- GTAPDXXXXX |
district_id | District Id Ex:- 12 |
state_id | State Id Ex:- 12 |
location | Location Ex:- Testing |
address_line_1 | Address Line 1 Ex:- Testing |
address_line_2 | Address Line 2 Ex:- Testing |
address_line_3 | Address Line 3 Ex:- Testing |
address_line_4 | Address Line 4 Ex:- Testing |
ref_id | Your Reference Id (similar to order_id from your side) (optional) Ex:- 123ISD456 (Alphanumeric Key - Max Length : 40 characters) |
Authorization Header | This variable is used only in POST Method Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header. Avail this Token from user login api setting. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
https://api.bharatpays.in/api/biometric_psa/payment_request?token=6aczq5q16arnb7gXXXXXXXXXXXXX&amount=120& psa_id=123&your_ref_id=123
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "data":{ "order_id" : "568", "status" : "PENDING,APPROVED,REJECTED" }, "success": 1, "message": "Bio Payment Request Submitted Sucessfully." }
Name | Description |
token | Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting. This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
amount | Amount Ex:- 100 |
psa_id | PSA ID Ex:- PAYP-568 |
your_ref_id | Your Ref Id Ex:- 123 |
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "data":[ { "commission": "10.00", "psa_id": "ANNECHM-ANNEX01xxx", "bio_type_id": "5", "application_no": "K000xxxxx", "address": "INDIAN", "name": "xx xx", "lot_no": "xxxxx", "lot_date": "2023-05-30 00:00:00", "doa": "2023-05-29 18:42:44", "status": "APPLICATION PROCESSED" }, { "commission": "10.00", "psa_id": "ANNECHM-xxx", "bio_type_id": "1", "application_no": "xxxx", "address": "INDIAN", "name": "xx xxx", "lot_no": "xxxxxxxxx", "lot_date": "2023-07-22 00:00:00", "doa": "2023-07-22 00:00:00", "status": "APPLICATION PROCESSED" } ], "success": 1, "message": "Bio Reg Commission Records Fetched Successfully." }
Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example : http://yoursitename.com/callback/recharge_callback
{ "success" : 1, "message" : "Bio Psa Agent Status Updated.", "data" : { "type" : "bio_psa_agent", "psa_id" : "123XXXXX", "status" : "SUCCESS", } }
Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example : http://yoursitename.com/callback/recharge_callback
{ "success" : 1, "message" : "Bio Payment Status Update Successfully!", "data" : { "type" : "bio_payment", "order_id" : "4045XXXXX776", "uti_txn_id" : "VPXXXXX15877", "status" : "SUCCESS ", } }
Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example : http://yoursitename.com/callback/recharge_callback
{ "success" : 1, "message" : "Bio Reg Commission.", "data" : { "type" : "bio_reg_commission", "psa_id" : "123XXXXX", "bio_type_id" : "3", "application_no" : "K00XXXX728", "name" : "Testing", "address" : "Wast", "lot_no" : "LOTXXXX63", "lot_date" : "2023-05-30", "doa" : "2023-05-29", "commission" : "5" "status" : "APPLICATION PROCESSED", } }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "reference_id": 4, "success": 1, "message": "OTP sent successfully" }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "data": { "ref_id": "362886", "status": "VALID", "message": "Aadhaar verification Successfully.", "care_of": "S/O: Testing", "address": ",Ahmdabad,Gujarat-123456", "dob": "02-12-2003", "email": "", "gender": "M", "name": "Testing", "split_address": { "country": "India", "dist": "Ahmdabad", "house": "", "landmark": "", "pincode": "123456", "po": "Ahmdabad", "state": "Ahmdabad", "street": "", "subdist": "Ahmdabad", "vtc": "Ahmdabad" }, "year_of_birth": "2003", "mobile_hash": "22453832118782weqr5c75a928e518bwerwerewbc4ab673771ac797576bcc", "photo_link": "", "success": 1 }, "success": 1, "message": "Aadhaar verification Successfully." }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "data": { "pan": "GTAXXXXXXX", "type": "Individual", "reference_id": 1767615, "name_provided": "", "registered_name": "Testing", "father_name": "", "valid": true, "message": "PAN verified successfully" }, "success": 1, "message": "Pan verification Successfully." }
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "data": { "account_exists": true, "upi_id": null, "full_name": "Testing", "remarks": "", "ifsc_details": [] }, "success": 1, "message": "Account Verification Successfully!" }
$curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => 'https://api.bharatpays.in/api/nsdl?customer_ref_id=7&title=1&first_name=test&middle_name=test&last_name=test&gender=Male&mode=E&redirect_url=google.com&email_id=test@gmail.com&token=456d4f5sd4f4f4ds6f4ds4d4sdfs4', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'GET', )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;
Name | Description |
customer_ref_id | Unique Customer Ref ID Ex:- 12345 |
title | Title Ex:- Mr/Shri => 1 , Mrs/Shrimati => 2 |
first_name | First Name of Customer |
middle_name (optional) | Middle Name of Customer |
last_name | Last Name of Customer |
mode | Pancard mode Ex:- Electronic Pan => E , Physical Pan => P |
gender | Gender Ex:- Male,Female,Transgender |
redirect_url | Redirect Url, after PAN card Process Completion user will be redirected to that page Ex:- yourdomainname.com/redirect |
email_id | Email id *** Additional parameter- required if mode is E - Electronic Pan Ex:- test@gmail.com |
{ "success": 1, "message": "URL Generated Successfully", "data": { "id": 15, "response_url": "https://paysprint.in/service-api/api/v1/service/pan/V2/validateurl", "encdata": "dsfafadsfds/xMxq5Fw9WM5/42vAsw2+QecUiC/PON8+/Z3iCwT8tO2v1ASsJWDTtCdTbsN2n1YqQyLuvI3EGFnon6bGAeVFbjDKxAKYuFnlAAgYPVybuLTDZP8MPUt0/IIx7KZcpxvMuZcElOyBoM781hI/LpanWy51HAAl4fwG+xKxd+ClzRZo5s9TmTtBsbeG78V5n6049lajIgpShRSgNscE/5JfoT3hhX3O7aK4DDRt8qfaoswkyjKUwljw==" } }
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failed to Generate URL", }
$curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => 'response_url', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'POST', CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('encdata' => 'dsfafadsfds/xMxq5Fw9WM5/42vAsw2+QecUiC/PON8+/Z3iCwT8tO2v1ASsJWDTtCdTbsN2n1YqQyLuvI3EGFnon6bGAeVFbjDKxAKYuFnlAAgYPVybuLTDZP8MPUt0/IIx7KZcpxvMuZcElOyBoM781hI/LpanWy51HAAl4fwG+xKxd+ClzRZo5s9TmTtBsbeG78V5n6049lajIgpShRSgNscE/5JfoT3hhX3O7aK4DDRt8qfaoswkyjKUwljw=='), )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;
Name | Description |
response_url | Response Url Received in Generate Url api response Ex:- https://paysprint.in/service-api/api/v1/service/pan/V2/validateurl |
encdata | encdata received in Generate Url api response Ex:- dsfafadsfds/xMxq5Fw9WM5/42vAsw2+QecUiC/PON8+/Z3i... |
Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example : http://yoursitename.com/rechargeupdate.php
{ "success": 1, "message": "Nsdl Txn Status Update.", "data": { "id": "15", "customer_ref_id": "12345", "status": "SUCCESS", "type": "nsdl" }
{ "success": 1, "message": "Nsdl Txn Status Update.", "data": { "id": "15", "customer_ref_id": "12345", "status": "FAILED", "type": "nsdl" }
$curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => 'https://api.bharatpays.in/api/policy/start_policy', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'POST', CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('mobile_no' => '7777777777','email' => 'test@gmail.com','first_name' => 'retailer','last_name' => 'name','ref_id' => '1012'), CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( 'Authorization: Bearer dsf78f87d78787d7fdfdsdfdfsdf' ), )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;
Name | Description |
mobile_no | Mobile Number Ex:- 9093030417 |
Email id Ex:- test@gmail.com |
first_name | First Name of Customer |
last_name | Last Name of Customer |
ref_id | Your Unique Reference Id of Retailer Ex:- 1234565688 (max length 11) |
Authorization Header | Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header. Avail this Token from user login api setting. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
Please Update Your IP Address and Policy Premium Deduction Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example : http://yoursitename.com/policy_premium_deduction_callback.php
{ "success": 1, "message": "Policy Premium Deduction.", "data": { "ref_no": "1234567897", "type": "TWT", "amount": "10.00", "status": "PENDING", "commission": null, "remark": null, "mobile_no": "7777777777", "ak": "221110052637" } }
Once you debit the registration charge from agent you have to give response in below json format to make policy purchase process success or failed (1=success, 0=failed)
{ "success" : 1, "message" : "Policy Premium Deducted Successfully", }
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failed to Deduct Premium", }
Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example : http://yoursitename.com/rechargeupdate.php
{ "success": 1, "message": "Policy Confirmation.", "data": { "ref_no": "12345678", "policy_type": "TWT", "amount": "10.00", "status": "SUCCESS", "commission": "20.00", "remark": null, "mobile_no": "7777777777", "ak": "221109051936", "type": "policy" }
{ "success": 1, "message": "Policy Confirmation.", "data": { "ref_no": "12345678", "policy_type": "TWT", "amount": "10.00", "status": "FAILED", "commission": "20.00", "remark": null, "mobile_no": "7501668633", "ak": "221109051936", "type": "policy" } }
Please Update Your IP Address and Upi Gateway Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example : http://yoursitename.com/upi_callback
{ "success": 1, "message": "Order Details Fetched Successfully", "data": { "order_id": "39625143", "customer_name": "test", "customer_email": "test@gmail.com", "customer_mobile": "7777777777", "status": "INITIATED", "amount": "1.00", "customer_vpa": null, "upi_txn_id": null, "remark": null, "udf1": "", "udf2": "", "udf3": "", "created_at": "2022-07-06 11:29:25" } }
$curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.bharatpays.in/api/recharge", CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "POST", CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('opr_code' => '1','mobile' => '9093030417','amount' => '10','reference_id' => '1'), CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( "Authorization: Bearer 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45" ), )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;
Name | Description |
token | Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting. This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
opr_code | Operator Code ( From Operator List Given Below) Ex:- 1 |
mobile | Recharge Number (Mobile or DTH Number) Ex:- 9093030417 |
amount | Recharge Amount Ex:- 99 (Minimum amount is 10) |
reference_id | Your Reference Id (similar to order_id from your side) (optional) Ex:- 123ISD456 (Alphanumeric Key - Max Length : 40 characters) |
Authorization Header | This variable is used only in POST Method Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header. Avail this Token from user login api setting. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (recharge request accepted)
{ "success" : 1, "message" : "Success Message", "data" : { "order_id" : "123456", "reference_id" : "123ISD456", "status" : "SUCCESS", "opr_txn_id" : "6203733", "remark" : "remark from operators" } }
Name | Description |
success | 0 - Failed to initiate recharge 1 - Recharge request accepted |
message | Reason for success or failed |
order_id | Unique Order Id From APi Portal for Future Reference |
reference_id | Reference ID provided by you |
status | SUCCESS - recharge success PENDING - recharge pending FAILED - recharge failed |
opr_txn_id | Operator Transaction Id |
remark | Message for the transaction if any |
Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example : http://yoursitename.com/rechargeupdate.php
{ "success" : 1, "message" : "Message", "data" : { "order_id" : "123456", "reference_id" : "123ISD456", "status" : "SUCCESS", "opr_txn_id" : "6203733", "remark" : "remark from operators" } }
{ "success" : 1, "message" : "Message", "data" : { "order_id" : "123456", "reference_id" : "123ISD456", "status" : "FAILED", "opr_txn_id" : "6203733", "remark" : "remark from operators" } }
curl --location --request POST 'yourcallbackurl.com' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "success": 1, "message": "Message", "data": { "order_id": "123456", "reference_id": "123ISD456", "status": "SUCCESS", "opr_txn_id": "6203733", "remark": "remark from operators" } }'
Sr. No | Service Type | Operator Name | Operator Code (opr_code) |
1 | Broadband Bill | ACT BroadBand | 626 |
2 | Broadband Bill | AirConnect | 661 |
3 | Broadband Bill | AirJaldi - Rural Broadband | 644 |
4 | Broadband Bill | Airnet Networks | 663 |
5 | Broadband Bill | Airtel Broadband | 631 |
6 | Broadband Bill | Alliance Broadband Services Pvt. Ltd. | 501 |
7 | Broadband Bill | ANI Network Pvt Ltd | 684 |
8 | Broadband Bill | Apple Fibernet | 659 |
9 | Broadband Bill | ASIANET Broadband (ASIANET) | 633 |
10 | Broadband Bill | B Fibernet | 685 |
11 | Broadband Bill | Balaji Broadband | 693 |
12 | Broadband Bill | Cherrinet | 681 |
13 | Broadband Bill | Cloudlasers Broadband | 706 |
14 | Broadband Bill | Cloudsky Superfast Broadband & Services Pvt Ltd | 674 |
15 | Broadband Bill | Comway Broadband | 632 |
16 | Broadband Bill | Confiar Partner | 709 |
17 | Broadband Bill | Correl Internet | 687 |
18 | Broadband Bill | Cyber Broadband | 705 |
19 | Broadband Bill | Daksh Telecom | 704 |
20 | Broadband Bill | Deenet Services Private Limited | 664 |
21 | Broadband Bill | Den Broadband | 636 |
22 | Broadband Bill | Deshkal Networks | 678 |
23 | Broadband Bill | DHL Fibernet | 697 |
24 | Broadband Bill | Digiway Net | 658 |
25 | Broadband Bill | DWAN Supports Private Ltd | 651 |
26 | Broadband Bill | Ethernet Xpress | 677 |
27 | Broadband Bill | Eway FiberNet | 690 |
28 | Broadband Bill | Excell Broadband | 646 |
29 | Broadband Bill | FABNET | 691 |
30 | Broadband Bill | Flash Fibernet | 641 |
31 | Broadband Bill | Fusionnet Web Services Private Limited | 630 |
32 | Broadband Bill | GBPS Networks Pvt Ltd | 676 |
33 | Broadband Bill | Globalfibertel | 703 |
34 | Broadband Bill | GTPL KCBPL Broadband Pvt Ltd | 648 |
35 | Broadband Bill | GTPL KCBPL Broadband Pvt Ltd | 649 |
36 | Broadband Bill | Hathway | 627 |
37 | Broadband Bill | Infinet | 688 |
38 | Broadband Bill | Instalinks | 634 |
39 | Broadband Bill | Instanet Broadband | 639 |
40 | Broadband Bill | ION | 642 |
41 | Broadband Bill | Jiffy Cable & Datacom Pvt Ltd | 680 |
42 | Broadband Bill | Kerala Vision Broadband Pvt Ltd | 650 |
43 | Broadband Bill | Kings Broadband | 657 |
44 | Broadband Bill | Krishiinet Infocom Pvt Ltd | 708 |
45 | Broadband Bill | Krp Fibernet | 702 |
46 | Broadband Bill | Limras Eronet | 652 |
47 | Broadband Bill | Linkio Fibernet | 653 |
48 | Broadband Bill | Manas Broadband | 695 |
49 | Broadband Bill | Microsacn Infocommtech Pvt. Ltd. | 654 |
50 | Broadband Bill | Mnet Broadband | 635 |
51 | Broadband Bill | MS Broadband | 692 |
52 | Broadband Bill | MTNL Delhi Broadband | 625 |
53 | Broadband Bill | Netplus Broadband | 640 |
54 | Broadband Bill | Nextra Broadband | 629 |
55 | Broadband Bill | NSB Networks Broadband | 655 |
56 | Broadband Bill | One Broadband | 662 |
57 | Broadband Bill | Pegasuswave Pvt Ltd | 707 |
58 | Broadband Bill | Pink Broadband | 660 |
59 | Broadband Bill | Pioneer Elabs Limited | 670 |
60 | Broadband Bill | Quest Consultancy | 673 |
61 | Broadband Bill | Quicknet | 710 |
62 | Broadband Bill | Reisnet Broadband Pvt ltd | 667 |
63 | Broadband Bill | SCCNET | 683 |
64 | Broadband Bill | Shine Broadband | 682 |
65 | Broadband Bill | Skylink Fibernet Private Limited | 645 |
66 | Broadband Bill | Skyway Telecom Services | 679 |
67 | Broadband Bill | SpectraNet Broadband | 628 |
68 | Broadband Bill | Speednet Unique Network | 694 |
69 | Broadband Bill | Spiderlink Networks Pvt Ltd | 665 |
70 | Broadband Bill | Spidernet Broadband | 675 |
71 | Broadband Bill | Sri Vijayalaksmhi Digital Vision | 666 |
72 | Broadband Bill | SS INTERNET | 698 |
73 | Broadband Bill | Super Sonic Broadband Private Limited | 686 |
74 | Broadband Bill | TIC FIBER | 656 |
75 | Broadband Bill | Timbl Broadband | 637 |
76 | Broadband Bill | TJ Broadband Network Pvt Ltd" | 689 |
77 | Broadband Bill | TSK Giga Fibber | 671 |
78 | Broadband Bill | TSK Giga Fibber | 672 |
79 | Broadband Bill | UCN Cable | 701 |
80 | Broadband Bill | Udupi Fastnet | 668 |
81 | Broadband Bill | Ufibernet | 696 |
82 | Broadband Bill | Vfibernet Broadband | 638 |
83 | Broadband Bill | Weebo NetworksPt | 669 |
84 | Broadband Bill | Wish Net Pvt Ltd | 647 |
85 | DTH | Airtel DTH | 21 |
86 | DTH | Big Tv | 22 |
87 | DTH | Dish Tv | 23 |
88 | DTH | Sun Tv | 24 |
89 | DTH | Tata Sky | 25 |
90 | DTH | Videocon Dth | 26 |
91 | Electricity | Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd | 139 |
92 | Electricity | APEPDCL | 190 |
93 | Electricity | APSPDCL | 191 |
94 | Electricity | Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd | 142 |
95 | Electricity | Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd (NON-RAPDR) | 162 |
96 | Electricity | Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd. (NON-RAPDR) | 111 |
97 | Electricity | Bangalore Electricity Supply | 127 |
98 | Electricity | BEST | 122 |
99 | Electricity | Bhagalpur Electricity Distribution Company (P) Ltd | 131 |
100 | Electricity | Bharatpur Electricity Services Ltd. (BESL) | 145 |
101 | Electricity | Bikaner Electricity Supply Limited (BkESL) | 146 |
102 | Electricity | BSES Rajdhani | 114 |
103 | Electricity | BSES Rajdhani Prepaid Meter Recharge | 194 |
104 | Electricity | BSES Yamuna | 115 |
105 | Electricity | BSES Yamuna Prepaid Meter Recharge | 195 |
106 | Electricity | Calcutta Electricity Supply Co. Ltd. | 137 |
107 | Electricity | Central Power DistributionCorpotion(APCPDCL) | 189 |
108 | Electricity | Chamundeshwari ElectricitSupplyCorpLtd(CESCOM) | 163 |
109 | Electricity | Chhattisgarh Electricity Board | 123 |
110 | Electricity | Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company | 119 |
111 | Electricity | Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN) | 159 |
112 | Electricity | Daman and Diu Electricity Department | 136 |
113 | Electricity | Department of Power, Nagaland | 173 |
114 | Electricity | DepartmentofPowerGovernment ArunachalPradesh | 186 |
115 | Electricity | DNH Power Distribution Company Limited | 132 |
116 | Electricity | DNHPDCL - DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI | 200 |
117 | Electricity | Electricity Department Chandigarh | 180 |
118 | Electricity | Gift Power Company Limited | 185 |
119 | Electricity | Goa Electricity Department | 172 |
120 | Electricity | Government of Puducherry Electricity Department | 179 |
121 | Electricity | Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company Limited | 155 |
122 | Electricity | Himachal Pradesh Electricity | 165 |
123 | Electricity | Hubli Electricity Supply Company Ltd (HESCOM) | 164 |
124 | Electricity | Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd | 125 |
125 | Electricity | Jammu and Kashmir Power Development Department | 181 |
126 | Electricity | Jamshedpur Utilities & Services | 129 |
127 | Electricity | Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (JBVNL) | 161 |
128 | Electricity | Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd | 126 |
129 | Electricity | Kannan Devan Hills Plantations Company pvt ltd | 187 |
130 | Electricity | Kanpur Electricity Supply | 141 |
131 | Electricity | Kerala State Electricity Board Ltd. (KSEBL) | 177 |
132 | Electricity | Kota Electricity Distribution Limited (KEDL) | 147 |
133 | Electricity | Lakshadweep Electricity Department | 184 |
134 | Electricity | M.P. Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran - RURAL | 167 |
135 | Electricity | M.P. Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran - URBAN | 166 |
136 | Electricity | M.P. Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran - URBAN | 168 |
137 | Electricity | M.P. Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran – RURAL | 170 |
138 | Electricity | Madhya Gujarat Vij Company | 118 |
139 | Electricity | Mangalore Electricity SupplCompanyLTD(Non RAPDR) | 183 |
140 | Electricity | Mangalore Electricity Supply Co. Ltd (MESCOM) | 175 |
141 | Electricity | Meghalaya Power Distribution Cor. Ltd | 138 |
142 | Electricity | MP Paschim Vidyut Vitaran - INDO | 128 |
143 | Electricity | MP-Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co. Ltd.(Bhopal) | 134 |
144 | Electricity | MP-Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co. Ltd.(Jabalpur) | 135 |
145 | Electricity | MSEB Mumbai | 116 |
146 | Electricity | NESCO, Odisha | 149 |
147 | Electricity | New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) - Electricity | 169 |
148 | Electricity | Noida Power Company Limited | 124 |
149 | Electricity | North Bihar Power | 198 |
150 | Electricity | North Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd. | 148 |
151 | Electricity | Paschim Gujarat Vij Company | 120 |
152 | Electricity | Power & Electricity Department – Mizoram | 178 |
153 | Electricity | Power and Electricity Department-Mizoram | 225 |
154 | Electricity | Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd (PSPCL) | 160 |
155 | Electricity | Reliance Energy_Mumbai | 113 |
156 | Electricity | Sikkim Power - URBAN | 174 |
157 | Electricity | Sikkim Power – RURAL | 171 |
158 | Electricity | SNDL Nagpur | 150 |
159 | Electricity | South Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd. | 144 |
160 | Electricity | SOUTHCO, Odisha | 151 |
161 | Electricity | Southern Bihar Power | 197 |
162 | Electricity | Southern Power Telangana | 192 |
163 | Electricity | Spurt Electric Limited | 199 |
164 | Electricity | Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB) | 156 |
165 | Electricity | Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd | 117 |
166 | Electricity | TataPowerMumbai | 140 |
167 | Electricity | The OperatorCodefield must containauniquevalue. | 203 |
168 | Electricity | Thrissur Corporation Electricity Department | 188 |
169 | Electricity | Torrent Power Ltd. | 130 |
170 | Electricity | TP Ajmer Distribution Ltd (TPADL) | 152 |
171 | Electricity | TP Central Odisha Distribution Ltd. | 176 |
172 | Electricity | TP Renewables Microgrid Ltd. | 193 |
173 | Electricity | Tripura State Electricity Board | 133 |
174 | Electricity | Uttar Gujarat Vij Company | 121 |
175 | Electricity | Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (UHBVN) | 158 |
176 | Electricity | Uttar Pradesh Power Corp Ltd (UPPCL) - RURAL | 157 |
177 | Electricity | Uttar Pradesh Power Corp. Ltd. (UPPCL) - URBAN | 143 |
178 | Electricity | Uttarakhand Power Corporation Limited | 153 |
179 | Electricity | WESCO Utility | 154 |
180 | Electricity | West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd | 204 |
181 | EMI Payment | Aadhar Housing Finance Limited | 534 |
182 | EMI Payment | Adani Capital Pvt Ltd | 454 |
183 | EMI Payment | Adani Housing Finance | 486 |
184 | EMI Payment | Agora Microfinance India Ltd - AMIL | 489 |
185 | EMI Payment | Altum Credo Home Finance | 457 |
186 | EMI Payment | Amrit Malwa Capital Limited | 610 |
187 | EMI Payment | Annapurna Finance Private Limited-MFI | 524 |
188 | EMI Payment | Annapurna Finance Private Limited-MSME | 448 |
189 | EMI Payment | APAC Financial Services Pvt Ltd | 571 |
190 | EMI Payment | Aptus Finance India Private Limited | 515 |
191 | EMI Payment | Aptus Value Housing Finance India Limited | 514 |
192 | EMI Payment | Arohan Financial Services Ltd | 436 |
193 | EMI Payment | Ascend Capital | 467 |
194 | EMI Payment | Ashv Finance | 589 |
195 | EMI Payment | Asianet Digital | 455 |
196 | EMI Payment | AU Bank Loan Repayment | 435 |
197 | EMI Payment | Avanse Financial Services Ltd | 445 |
198 | EMI Payment | Axis Bank Limited - Retail Loan | 525 |
199 | EMI Payment | Axis Bank Limited-Microfinance | 497 |
200 | EMI Payment | Axis Finance Limited | 430 |
201 | EMI Payment | Ayaan Finserve India Private LTD | 532 |
202 | EMI Payment | Aye Finance Pvt. Ltd. | 545 |
203 | EMI Payment | Bajaj Allianz General Insurance | 421 |
204 | EMI Payment | Bajaj Auto Finance | 401 |
205 | EMI Payment | Bajaj Finance | 400 |
206 | EMI Payment | Bajaj Housing Finance Limited | 536 |
207 | EMI Payment | BBPSNEWSERVICEOperatorNameAirtelBSNLMTNLDish | 465 |
208 | EMI Payment | BBPSNEWSERVICEOperatorNameAirtelBSNLMTNLDish | 466 |
209 | EMI Payment | Belstar Microfinance Limited | 543 |
210 | EMI Payment | Bharat Financial Inclusion Ltd | 491 |
211 | EMI Payment | Bussan Auto Finance India Pvt Ltd | 575 |
212 | EMI Payment | Capital India Home Loans Limited | 612 |
213 | EMI Payment | Capri Global Capital Limited | 424 |
214 | EMI Payment | Care India Finvest Limited | 563 |
215 | EMI Payment | Cars24 Financial Services Private Limited | 432 |
216 | EMI Payment | Centrum Microcredit Limited | 537 |
217 | EMI Payment | Chaitanya India Fin Credit Pvt Ltd | 462 |
218 | EMI Payment | Clix | 419 |
219 | EMI Payment | CNH Industrial Capital Pvt. Ltd. | 577 |
220 | EMI Payment | Credit One Payments Solutions Pvt Ltd | 593 |
221 | EMI Payment | CreditAccess Grameen - Microfinance | 483 |
222 | EMI Payment | CreditAccess Grameen - Retail Finance | 484 |
223 | EMI Payment | Criss Financial Holdings Ltd | 546 |
224 | EMI Payment | DCB Bank Loan Repayment | 472 |
225 | EMI Payment | DCBS Loan | 556 |
226 | EMI Payment | Deccan Finance Limited | 585 |
227 | EMI Payment | Delhi Jal Board | 404 |
228 | EMI Payment | Dev Finance | 578 |
229 | EMI Payment | Dhansansar Nidhi Limited | 596 |
230 | EMI Payment | Digamber Capfin Limited | 463 |
231 | EMI Payment | Diwakar Tracom Private Limited | 550 |
232 | EMI Payment | DMI Finance Private Limited | 699 |
233 | EMI Payment | DvaraKshetriyaGraminFinancialsServicesPrivateLimi | 503 |
234 | EMI Payment | Easy Home Finance Limited | 429 |
235 | EMI Payment | Eduvanz Financing Pvt Ltd | 473 |
236 | EMI Payment | Ekagrata Finance | 573 |
237 | EMI Payment | Electronica Finance Limited | 564 |
238 | EMI Payment | Equitas SFB – Microfinance Loan | 538 |
239 | EMI Payment | ESAF Small Finance Bank (Micro Loans) | 521 |
240 | EMI Payment | ESAF Small Finance Bank (Retails Loans) | 611 |
241 | EMI Payment | EZFINANZE | 584 |
242 | EMI Payment | Faircent | 422 |
243 | EMI Payment | Fincare Small Finance Bank | 453 |
244 | EMI Payment | Finova Capital Private Ltd | 558 |
245 | EMI Payment | Flash Fibernet | 415 |
246 | EMI Payment | FlexiLoans | 459 |
247 | EMI Payment | FlexiLoans | 460 |
248 | EMI Payment | FlexiLoans | 461 |
249 | EMI Payment | Fortune Credit Capital Limited | 576 |
250 | EMI Payment | Fortune Integrated Assets Finance Ltd | 597 |
251 | EMI Payment | Fullerton India credit company limited | 527 |
252 | EMI Payment | Fullerton India Housing Finance Limited | 526 |
253 | EMI Payment | FutureGeneraliIndiaLifeInsuranceCompanyLimited | 418 |
254 | EMI Payment | G U Financial Services Pvt Ltd | 528 |
255 | EMI Payment | Gujarat State Petronet Limited | 520 |
256 | EMI Payment | HDB Financial Services Limited | 250 |
257 | EMI Payment | HDB Financial Services Limited | 512 |
258 | EMI Payment | Hindon Mercantile Limited - Mufin | 551 |
259 | EMI Payment | Hindon Mercantile Limited - Mufin | 553 |
260 | EMI Payment | Hiranandani Financial Services Pvt Ltd | 476 |
261 | EMI Payment | Home Credit India Finance Pvt. Ltd | 449 |
262 | EMI Payment | Home Credit India Finance Pvt. Ltd | 450 |
263 | EMI Payment | Home First Finance Company India Limited | 477 |
264 | EMI Payment | HyderabadMetropolitanWaterSupplyandSewerageBoard | 402 |
265 | EMI Payment | i2iFunding | 423 |
266 | EMI Payment | ICICI BANK - Interest Repayment Loans | 574 |
267 | EMI Payment | IDF Financial Services Private Limited | 535 |
268 | EMI Payment | IIFL Finance Limited | 480 |
269 | EMI Payment | IIFL Home Finance | 481 |
270 | EMI Payment | InCred | 529 |
271 | EMI Payment | India Home Loan Limited | 471 |
272 | EMI Payment | India Shelter Finance Corporation Limited | 451 |
273 | EMI Payment | Indiabulls Consumer Finance Limited | 413 |
274 | EMI Payment | Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited | 416 |
275 | EMI Payment | Indostar Capital Finance Limited - CV | 540 |
276 | EMI Payment | Indostar Capital Finance Limited - SME | 555 |
277 | EMI Payment | Indostar Home Finance Private Limited | 552 |
278 | EMI Payment | INDUSIND BANK - CFD | 458 |
279 | EMI Payment | Jain Autofin | 431 |
280 | EMI Payment | Jain Motor Finmart | 490 |
281 | EMI Payment | Jana Small Finance Bank | 438 |
282 | EMI Payment | Janakalyan Financial Services Private Limited | 487 |
283 | EMI Payment | John Deere Financial India Private Limited | 505 |
284 | EMI Payment | Kanakadurga Finance Limited | 452 |
285 | EMI Payment | Kerala Water Authority (KWA) | 405 |
286 | EMI Payment | Khush Housing Finance Pvt Ltd | 485 |
287 | EMI Payment | Kinara Capital | 443 |
288 | EMI Payment | Kissht | 441 |
289 | EMI Payment | Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.-Loans | 509 |
290 | EMI Payment | Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.-Loans | 510 |
291 | EMI Payment | Kotak Mahindra Prime Limited | 498 |
292 | EMI Payment | Kredit Bee | 570 |
293 | EMI Payment | Kusalava Finance Limited | 594 |
294 | EMI Payment | L and T Housing Finance | 414 |
295 | EMI Payment | L&T Financial Services | 700 |
296 | EMI Payment | LIC Housing Finance Limited | 548 |
297 | EMI Payment | Light Microfinance Pvt Ltd | 479 |
298 | EMI Payment | LoanBaba | 588 |
299 | EMI Payment | Loantap Credit Products Pvt Ltd | 439 |
300 | EMI Payment | Loksuvidha | 406 |
301 | EMI Payment | Lord Krishna Financial Services | 591 |
302 | EMI Payment | M.P. Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran – RURAL | 403 |
303 | EMI Payment | Mahaveer Finance India Limited | 494 |
304 | EMI Payment | Mahindra and Mahindra Financial Services Limited | 499 |
305 | EMI Payment | MDFC Financiers Pvt Ltd | 560 |
306 | EMI Payment | Midland Microfin Ltd | 464 |
307 | EMI Payment | Mintifi Finserve Pvt Ltd | 475 |
308 | EMI Payment | Mitron Capital | 516 |
309 | EMI Payment | Monedo Financial Services Pvt Ltd | 595 |
310 | EMI Payment | Money View | 569 |
311 | EMI Payment | MoneyTap | 530 |
312 | EMI Payment | Moneywise Financial Services Private Limited | 568 |
313 | EMI Payment | Motilal Oswal Home Finance | 407 |
314 | EMI Payment | Muthoot Capital Services Ltd | 531 |
315 | EMI Payment | Muthoot Finance | 504 |
316 | EMI Payment | Muthoot Finance-Personal Loan | 579 |
317 | EMI Payment | Muthoot Fincorp Ltd | 488 |
318 | EMI Payment | Muthoot Homefin Limited | 565 |
319 | EMI Payment | Muthoot Housing Finance Company Limited | 519 |
320 | EMI Payment | Muthoot Money | 554 |
321 | EMI Payment | Muthoot Money - Gold Loan | 598 |
322 | EMI Payment | NABFINS | 572 |
323 | EMI Payment | Netafim Agricultural Financing Agency | 508 |
324 | EMI Payment | Netplus Broadband | 411 |
325 | EMI Payment | Nidhilakshmi Finance | 468 |
326 | EMI Payment | NM Finance | 469 |
327 | EMI Payment | Novelty Finance Ltd | 513 |
328 | EMI Payment | OHMYLOAN | 446 |
329 | EMI Payment | OMLP2P.COM | 447 |
330 | EMI Payment | Orange Retail Finance India Pvt Ltd | 495 |
331 | EMI Payment | Oroboro | 470 |
332 | EMI Payment | Pahal Financial Services Pvt Ltd | 559 |
333 | EMI Payment | Paisa Dukan-Borrower EMI | 408 |
334 | EMI Payment | Pooja Finelease | 493 |
335 | EMI Payment | Poonawalla Fincorp Ltd | 586 |
336 | EMI Payment | Prayagraj Nagar Nigam - Property | 444 |
337 | EMI Payment | Punjab National Bank | 587 |
338 | EMI Payment | R.Sen and Company Investment and Finance Pvt. Ltd. | 581 |
339 | EMI Payment | Rander Peoples Co Operative Bank Ltd | 523 |
340 | EMI Payment | Reliance ARC | 557 |
341 | EMI Payment | Reliance Nippon Life Insurance | 425 |
342 | EMI Payment | RMK Fincorp Pvt Ltd | 541 |
343 | EMI Payment | Rupee Circle | 562 |
344 | EMI Payment | Samasta Microfinance Limited | 511 |
345 | EMI Payment | Sarvjan India Fintech Private Limited | 533 |
346 | EMI Payment | Shine Blue Hire Purchase Ltd. | 580 |
347 | EMI Payment | Shriram City Union Finance Ltd | 412 |
348 | EMI Payment | Shriram Housing Finance Limited | 440 |
349 | EMI Payment | Shriram Life Insurance Co Ltd | 442 |
350 | EMI Payment | Shriram Transport Finance Company Limited | 428 |
351 | EMI Payment | Shubham Housing Development Finance Company Ltd | 549 |
352 | EMI Payment | SMEcorner | 507 |
353 | EMI Payment | Smile Microfinance Limited | 542 |
354 | EMI Payment | Snapmint | 409 |
355 | EMI Payment | Spandana Rural And Urban Development Organisation | 566 |
356 | EMI Payment | Spandana Sphoorty Financial Ltd | 547 |
357 | EMI Payment | StashFin | 492 |
358 | EMI Payment | Suryoday Small Finance Bank | 567 |
359 | EMI Payment | Svatantra Microfin Private Limited | 456 |
360 | EMI Payment | Swara Finance Limited | 599 |
361 | EMI Payment | Tata Capital Financial Services Limited | 410 |
362 | EMI Payment | Tata Capital Housing Finance Limited | 506 |
363 | EMI Payment | Tata Motors Finance Limited | 544 |
364 | EMI Payment | Thazhayil Nidhi Ltd | 517 |
365 | EMI Payment | Toyota Financial Services | 434 |
366 | EMI Payment | TVS Credit | 482 |
367 | EMI Payment | UGRO Capital Limited | 582 |
368 | EMI Payment | Ujjivan Small Finance Bank | 478 |
369 | EMI Payment | Unity Small Finance Bank | 590 |
370 | EMI Payment | Unnayan Bharat Finance Corporation Private Limited | 613 |
371 | EMI Payment | Varthana | 420 |
372 | EMI Payment | Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation - Property | 433 |
373 | EMI Payment | Vastu Finserve India Private Limited | 592 |
374 | EMI Payment | Vastu Housing Finance Corporation Limited | 427 |
375 | EMI Payment | Vi | 426 |
376 | EMI Payment | Vistaar Financial services Private Limited | 496 |
377 | EMI Payment | We Pay Finance Pvt Ltd | 583 |
378 | EMI Payment | X10 Financial Services Limited | 518 |
379 | EMI Payment | Yogakshemam Loans Ltd | 522 |
380 | EMI Payment | ZestMoney | 437 |
381 | EMI Payment | Ziploan | 539 |
382 | Fastag | Airtel Payments Bank NETC FASTag | 304 |
383 | Fastag | Axis Bank | 56 |
384 | Fastag | Bank Of Baroda | 71 |
385 | Fastag | Equitas FASTag Recharge | 58 |
386 | Fastag | Federal Bank - FASTag | 62 |
387 | Fastag | HDFC Bank | 54 |
388 | Fastag | Icici Bank Fastag | 52 |
389 | Fastag | IDBI Bank FASTag | 63 |
390 | Fastag | IDFC FIRST Bank - FasTag | 55 |
391 | Fastag | IndianHighwaysManagementCompanyLtd –Indusind FASTa | 70 |
392 | Fastag | IndusInd Bank- FASTag | 69 |
393 | Fastag | IOB FASTag | 53 |
394 | Fastag | Jammu and Kashmir Bank Fastag | 61 |
395 | Fastag | Karnataka Bank Fastag | 67 |
396 | Fastag | Kotak Mahindra Bank | 57 |
397 | Fastag | Kotak Mahindra Bank - Fastag | 301 |
398 | Fastag | Paul Merchants | 60 |
399 | Fastag | Paytm Payments Bank FASTag | 59 |
400 | Fastag | Paytm-Fastag | 51 |
401 | Fastag | State Bank of India FASTag | 68 |
402 | Fastag | Transaction Analyst FASTag | 65 |
403 | Fastag | Transcorp International Limited | 66 |
404 | Fastag | UCO Bank FASTag | 64 |
405 | GAS | Bharat Gas | 104 |
406 | GAS | Gujarat Gas | 101 |
407 | GAS | HP Gas | 103 |
408 | GAS | Indian Gas | 102 |
409 | Insurance | Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co Limited | 219 |
410 | Insurance | Aegon Life Insurance | 92 |
411 | Insurance | Bajaj Allianz General Insurance | 98 |
412 | Insurance | Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance | 85 |
413 | Insurance | Bharti Axa Life Insurance | 81 |
414 | Insurance | Birla Sun Life Insurance | 80 |
415 | Insurance | Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of CommerceLifeInsurance | 86 |
416 | Insurance | Chola Insurance | 224 |
417 | Insurance | DHFL Pramerica Life Insurance Co. Ltd | 88 |
418 | Insurance | Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance | 83 |
419 | Insurance | Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance Company Limited | 226 |
420 | Insurance | Exide Life Insurance | 91 |
421 | Insurance | FutureGenerali India Life InsuranceCompanyLimited | 97 |
422 | Insurance | Go Digit Insurance | 221 |
423 | Insurance | HDFC Life Insurance Co. Ltd | 94 |
424 | Insurance | ICICI Lombard General Insurance (Motor) | 220 |
425 | Insurance | ICICI Prudential Life Insurance | 78 |
426 | Insurance | IDBI federal Life Insurance | 87 |
427 | Insurance | IndiaFirst Life Insurance | 89 |
428 | Insurance | Kotak Life Insurance Company Limited | 218 |
429 | Insurance | LIC | 31 |
430 | Insurance | Magma HDI - Health Insurance | 214 |
431 | Insurance | Magma HDI - Life Insurance | 215 |
432 | Insurance | Magma HDI - Motor Insurance | 216 |
433 | Insurance | Manipal Cigna Health Insurance | 222 |
434 | Insurance | Max Bupa Health Insurance | 212 |
435 | Insurance | Max Life Insurance | 90 |
436 | Insurance | PNB Metlife | 82 |
437 | Insurance | Pramerica Life Insurance Limited | 96 |
438 | Insurance | Reliance General Insurance Company Limited | 211 |
439 | Insurance | Reliance Nippon Life Insurance | 99 |
440 | Insurance | Religare Health Insurance Co Ltd. | 95 |
441 | Insurance | Royal Sundaram General Insurance Co. Limited | 217 |
442 | Insurance | SBI General Insurance | 93 |
443 | Insurance | SBI Life Insurance | 84 |
444 | Insurance | Shriram General Insurance | 213 |
445 | Insurance | Shriram General Insurance - Quote Payment | 227 |
446 | Insurance | Shriram Life Insurance Co Ltd | 210 |
447 | Insurance | Star Health And Allied Insurance Company | 223 |
448 | Insurance | Star Union Dai Ichi Life Insurance | 100 |
449 | Insurance | Tata AIA Life Insurance | 79 |
450 | Insurance | Vastu Housing Finance Corporation Limited | 228 |
451 | Postpaid-Mobile | Airtel Postpaid | 72 |
452 | Postpaid-Mobile | BSNL Cellone | 73 |
453 | Postpaid-Mobile | Jio | 202 |
454 | Postpaid-Mobile | Reliance Jio Postpaid | 76 |
455 | Postpaid-Mobile | Reliance Postpaid_CDMA | 75 |
456 | Postpaid-Mobile | Tikona Infinet Pvt Ltd | 74 |
457 | Postpaid-Mobile | Vodafone Postpaid | 77 |
458 | Prepaid-Mobile | Airtel | 600 |
459 | Prepaid-Mobile | BSNL | 2 |
460 | Prepaid-Mobile | BSNL STV | 7 |
461 | Prepaid-Mobile | BSNL TOPUP | 8 |
462 | Prepaid-Mobile | Idea | 3 |
463 | Prepaid-Mobile | Jio - 209, 125, | 5 |
464 | Prepaid-Mobile | JIO OFFICE | 601 |
465 | Prepaid-Mobile | Vi | 6 |
466 | Recharge | Google Play | 30 |
Name | Description |
mobile | Recharge Number (Mobile or DTH Number or Connection Number or Consumer Id or Policy No or Vehicle No) Ex:- 9093030417 |
opr_code | Recharge Api Operator Code Ex:- 1 |
type |
ad1 | (optional) Additional Parameter used in emi_payment, broadband,insurance,loan |
{ "success": 0, "message": "Incorrect / invalid Customer account" }
{ "success": 1, "message": "Bill Info Fetched Successfully", "data": { "bill_amount": "100.0", "bill_net_amount": "100.0", "min_bill_amount": "", "cell_number": "WB23C8125", "username": "User name", "userName": "User Name" } }
Name | Description |
token | Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting. This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (balance get successfully)
{ "success": 1, "message": "Balance Fetched Successfully.", "data": { "wallet_balance": "0.20", "trade_balance": "90.00", "payout_balance": "0.00" } }
Name | Description |
success | 0 - Failed to initiate recharge 1 - Recharge request accepted |
message | Reason for success or failed |
wallet_balance | Api Wallet Balance |
trade_balance | Aeps Trade Balance |
payout_balance | Available Balance For Payout |
Name | Description |
mobile | Recharge Number (Mobile or DTH Number) Ex:- 9093030417 |
opr_code | Recharge Api Operator Code Ex:- 1 |
type |
{ "records": { "msg": "Pls Pass Vaild Operator" }, "status": 0 }
{ "tel": "9093030417", "operator": "Jio", "records": [ { "rs": "2999", "desc": "Rs 2999-12m-2.5GB/D -> Benefits: 1. UNLIMITED DATA - 912.5 GB (2.5 GB/Day) 2. UNLIMITED CALLS 3. 100 SMS/Day 4. Complimentary Jio Apps Validity - 365 days" }, { "rs": "719", "desc": "Rs 719-3m-2GB/D -> Benefits: 1. UNLIMITED DATA - 168 GB (2 GB/Day) 2. UNLIMITED CALLS 3. 100 SMS/Day 4. Complimentary Jio Apps Validity - 84 days" } ], "status": 1, "time": 1.0535790920257568 }
Name | Description |
token | Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting. This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
order_id | Order Id Received From Api Response. Ex:- 123456 |
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 1, "message": "Balance Fetched Successfully.", "data": { "order_id": "123456", "reference_id": "10223", "status": "SUCCESS", "opr_txn_id": "123FBND123", "remark": "remark message", } }
Name | Description |
success | 0 - Failed to fetch recharge status 1 - Recharge status fetched successfully |
order_id | Api Portal Order Id |
reference_id | Refernce Id Given From Your Side |
status |
SUCCESS - recharge success PENDING - recharge pending FAILED - recharge failed REFUNDED - recharge failed and amount refunded |
opr_txn_id | Operator Transaction Id |
message | Reason for success or failed if any |
$curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.bharatpays.in/api/psa/register", CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "POST", CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('shop_name' => 'Your shop Name','name' => 'Harshad Sanyal','state' => 'West Bengal','district' => 'North 24 Pragnas','address' => 'Bongaon','pincode' => '456788','mobile' => '9093030417','email' => 'ads@bharatpays.in','dob' => '2001-10-29','pan_no' => 'XXXXX1234X','aadhar_no' => '123412341234','ref_id'=>'123456789'), CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( "Authorization: Bearer 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45" ), )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;
Name | Description |
Authorization Header | This variable is used only in POST Method Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header. Avail this Token from user login api setting. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
shop_name | Your Shop Name Ex:- Krishna Online Center |
name | ShopKeeper Name Ex:- Narendra Damodardas Modi |
state | State Name Ex:- West Bengal |
district | District Name Ex:- South 24 Pargnas |
address | Address Ex:- Village,P.o,p.s. |
pincode | 6 digit postal code Ex:- 743611 |
mobile | Applicant Mobile No, exact 10 digit length Ex:- 9093030417 |
Applicant's Email ID Ex:- ads@bharatpays.in |
pan_no | Applicant's Pan Card No, exact 10 character Ex:- AAAAA1234A |
aadhar_no | Applicant's Aadhar no, exact 12 digit lenght Ex:- 123412341234 |
ref_id | Your Ref Id , Up to 40 Character (Optional) Ex:- 123456789 |
success : 0 (failure response)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success response)
{ "success": 1, "message": "User Registration Request Submitted Successfully.", "data": { "psa_id": "ANNEX20202", "ref_id": "123456789", "status": "APPROVED" } }
Name | Description |
success | 0 - Failed to initiate recharge 1 - Recharge request accepted |
message | Reason for success or failed |
psa_id | PSA Registration Id |
ref_id | Your Ref Id |
Please Update Your IP Address and PSA Registration Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example : http://yoursitename.com/callback/pr_callback
{ "success" : 1, "message" : "PSA Request Status Updated.", "data" : { "psa_id" : "ANNEX20202", "ref_id" : "123456789", "status" : "APPROVED", "remark" : "remark message", "updated_at" : "2020-12-24 10:00:00" } }
{ "success" : 1, "message" : "Message", "data" : { "psa_id" : "ANNEX20202", "ref_id" : "123456789", "status" : "REJECTED", "remark" : "remark message", "updated_at" : "2020-12-24 10:00:00" } }
$curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.bharatpays.in/api/psa/update_registration", CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "POST", CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('psa_id' => 'ANNEX20202','shop_name' => 'Your shop Name','name' => 'Harshad Sanyal','state' => 'West Bengal','district' => 'South 24 Pragnas','address' => 'Pathakhali','pincode' => '456788','mobile' => '9093030417','email' => 'ads@bharatpays.i','dob' => '2001-10-29','pan_no' => 'XXXXX1234X','aadhar_no' => '123412341234'), CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( "Authorization: Bearer 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45" ), )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;
Name | Description |
Authorization Header | This variable is used only in POST Method Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header. Avail this Token from user login api setting. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
psa_id | PSA ID Ex:- ANNEX20202 |
shop_name | Your Shop Name Ex:- Krishna Online Center |
name | ShopKeeper Name Ex:- Narendra Damodardas Modi |
state | State Name Ex:- West Bengal |
district | District Name Ex:- South 24 Pargnas |
address | Address Ex:- Village, p.o, p.s. |
pincode | 6 digit postal code Ex:- 743611 |
mobile | Applicant Mobile No, exact 10 digit length Ex:- 9093030417 |
Applicant's Email ID Ex:- ads@bharatpays.in |
pan_no | Applicant's Pan Card No, exact 10 character Ex:- AAAAA1234A |
aadhar_no | Applicant's Aadhar no, exact 12 digit lenght Ex:- 123412341234 |
success : 0 (failure response)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success response)
{ "success": 1, "message": "PSA Request Data Update Successfully.", "data": { "status": "APPROVED" } }
Name | Description |
success | 0 - Failed to initiate recharge 1 - Recharge request accepted |
message | Reason for success or failed |
$curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.bharatpays.in/api/psa/purchase_coupon", CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "POST", CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('psa_id' => 'ANNEX20202','coupon' => '10','ref_id'=>'123456sdaf123456'), CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( "Authorization: Bearer 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45" ), )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;
Name | Description |
Authorization Header | This variable is used only in POST Method Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header. Avail this Token from user login api setting. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
psa_id | PSA ID Ex:- ANNEX20202 |
coupon | No of Coupon Ex:- 10 |
ref_id | Your Reference Id (optional) Ex:- 123456sdaf123456 |
success : 0 (failure response)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success response)
{ "success": 1, "message": "PSA Coupon Purchased Successfully.", "data": { "status": "APPROVED", "remark": "remark message", "request_id": "6569858", "ref_id" : "123456sdaf123456" } }
Name | Description |
success | 0 - Failed to initiate recharge 1 - Recharge request accepted |
message | Reason for success or failed |
request_id | Request ID of Coupon Purchased |
ref_id | Your Reference Id for Coupon Purchase |
remark | Remark message from api admin |
Please Update Your IP Address and PSA Transaction Callback Url (Coupon Purchase) in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example : http://yoursitename.com/callback/pt_callback
{ "success" : 1, "message" : "Request Status Updated", "data" : { "request_id" : "21365", "ref_id" : "123456sdaf123456", "status" : "APPROVED", "remark" : "remark message", "updated_at" : "01/01/2020" } }
$curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.bharatpays.in/api/psa_get?token=5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45&psa_id=ANNEX20202", CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "GET", )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response;
Name | Description |
Authorization Header | This variable is used only in POST Method Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header. Avail this Token from user login api setting. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
psa_id | PSA ID Ex:- ANNEX20202 |
success : 0 (failure response)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success response)
{ "success": 1, "message": "PSA Password request is Submitted Successfully.", }
Name | Description |
success | 0 - Failed to initiate recharge 1 - Recharge request accepted |
message | Reason for success or failed |
Sr. No | Operator Name | Operator Code (opr_code) |
1 | Adani power | AEML |
2 | Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. | AVVNL |
3 | Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd. (NON-RAPDR) | NRAPDR |
4 | Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd. (RAPDR) | RAPDR |
5 | Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Ltd. (BESCOM) | BESCOM |
6 | BEST Mumbai | BESTMUMBAI |
7 | Bharatpur Electricity Services Ltd. | KEDL |
8 | Bikaner Electricity Supply Limited | KEDL |
9 | BSES Rajdhani - Delhi | BSESR |
10 | BSES Yamuna - Delhi | BSESY |
11 | Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation (CESC) | CESC |
12 | Chamundeshwari Electricity Supply Corporation Ltd. (Cesc,Mysore) | CESCOM |
13 | Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Company Ltd. (CSPDCL) | CSPDCL |
14 | Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Ltd | DGVCL |
15 | Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam | DHBVN |
16 | Daman and Diu Electricity | DNDE |
17 | DNH Power Distribution Company Limited | DNHPDCL |
18 | Eastern Power Distribution Company of Andhra Pradesh Ltd. | APEPDCL |
19 | Goa Electricity | GOAELC |
20 | Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company Ltd. (GESCOM) | GESCOM |
21 | Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Ltd. | HPSEBL |
22 | Hubli Electricity Supply Company Ltd. (HESCOM) | HESCOM |
23 | ICICI Bank Fastag | TOLL00000NAT72 |
24 | Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. | JVVNL |
25 | Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. | JDVVNL |
26 | Kanpur Electricity Supply Company | KESCO |
27 | Kerala State Electricity Board Ltd. | KSEB |
28 | Kota Electricity Distribution Ltd. | KEDL |
29 | Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Ltd. | MGVCL |
30 | Madhya Pradesh Paschim Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Ltd. | MPPKVVCL |
31 | Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution | MSEDCL |
32 | Mahavitaran-Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd. | MSEDCL |
33 | Mangalore Electricity Supply Co. Ltd. (MESCOM) - RAPDR | MESCOMR |
34 | MP Madhaya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran -Urban | MPPKVVCLMU |
35 | MP Madhaya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran- Rular | MPPKVVCLMR |
36 | MP Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitran - Bhopal | MPPKVVCL |
37 | MP Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran - Jabalpur | MPPKVVCLPUU |
38 | MP Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran - Rular | MPPKVVCLPUR |
39 | NESCO Odisha | NESCO |
40 | North Bihar Power Distribution | NBPDCL |
41 | Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Ltd | PGVCL |
42 | Paytm Payments Bank FASTag | PAYT00000NATTQ |
43 | Punjab State Power Corporation Limted | PSPCL |
44 | Reliance Energy | RELIANCE |
45 | South Bihar Power Distribution | SBPDCL |
46 | SOUTHCO Odisha | SOUTHCO |
47 | Southern Power Distribution Company of A.P Ltd. | APSPDCL |
48 | Tamil Nadu Electricity Board | TNEB |
49 | Tata Power | TATA |
50 | Torrent Power Agra | TORRENTAGRA |
51 | Torrent Power Ahemdabad | TORRENTAHME |
52 | Torrent Power Bhivandi | TORRENTBHIVA |
53 | Torrent Power Dahej | TORRENTDAHEJ |
54 | Torrent Power Surat | TORRENTSURAT |
55 | TP Ajmer Distribution Ltd. | TPADL |
56 | Tripura state Electricity corporation | TSECL |
57 | Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam | UHBVN |
58 | Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited | UPPCL |
59 | Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited | UPPCLR |
60 | Uttarakhand Power Corporation Limited | UPCL |
61 | UttarGujarat Vij Company Ltd. | UGVCL |
62 | West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited | WBSEEDCL |
63 | Western Electricity supply co. Of orissa ltd. | WESCO |
curl --location --request GET 'https://api.bharatpays.in/api/matm/register_agent?token=123123132132123123132&mobile=8888888888&email=user@gmail.com&firm=RD&ref_id=1'
Name | Description |
token | Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting. This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
mobile | Agent MobileNumber Ex:- 9093030417 |
Agent Email Id | |
firm | Agent Firm (Company) Name |
reference_id | Your Reference Id (similar to order_id from your side) (optional) Ex:- 123 (numeric Key - Max Length : 10 digit) |
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success" : 1, "message" : "Agent Request Submitted Successfully", "data" : { "status" : "PENDING", "redirecturl" : "onboard url for kyc", "merchantcode" : "AGENT01", "reqid" : "6203733", } }
Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example : http://yoursitename.com/rechargeupdate.php
{ "success" : 1, "message" : "Message", "data" : { "type" : "matm_reg_charge", "amount" : "10", "reqid" : "SUCCESS", "ref_id" : "6203733", "status" : "PENDING", "merchantcode" : "AGENT01" } }
Once you debit the registration charge from agent you have to give response in below json format to make agent onboarding success or failed
{ "success" : 1, "message" : "Registration Charge Debited Successfully", }
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failed to Debit Registration Charge", }
curl --location --request POST 'https://api.bharatpays.in/api/aeps3/balance_enquiry' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer 1231231432123123' \ --form 'merchantcode="AGENT01"' \ --form 'user_txn_id="123"' \ --form 'aadharcard="123412341234"' \ --form 'mobile="8888888888"' \ --form 'bank_id="607094"' \ --form 'device="mantra"' \ --form 'latitude="22.7338826"' \ --form 'longitude="88.8172865"' \ --form 'device_response="<\\\?\\\xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"UTF-8\\\" standalone=\\\"yes\\\" \\\?\\\><\\/additional_info> <\\/DeviceInfo> 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<\\/Data> oaEeHpu7vTATBAw2XUDRCsaVKSGd9FbPN+FeqTn63L32MRgUN66zp3vXCw6dgNkdUxOf3vS\\/pCldRCdJ1iWLAnX+fje+Kn\\/yvsu4sGasOO7VohF5k1V7MZQQtevexDJi6a98dFnkFSZ0yyK1aCnUXldPpNC9UAqS20apsJCXZ\\/rPf6QVbfNHR5aFWAh4xQ0+oIfqF0ug1aZACvzNMgnFGSPCmNQFuEWqcLxUyFZSfeC8OZuYwVoAT79qi6XjROBYCFfV0yHcFHgCG0BottZ6M4a1R+ihs6vjdkwvsEwpVJgamHHrAGcr2muScPUhog1ohfcRiaUzdzSFT2HF7gnPCA==<\\/Skey> DtBAa4zAHd+6C7oMNxcuitOxA+2hkWkwTcqr0uzcfoohjBvffFQZ38cvgjYJVxxV<\\/Hmac> <\\/PidData>"' \ --form 'ipaddress=""' \ --form 'accessmodetype="SITE"'
Name | Description |
Authorization Header | This variable is used only in POST Method Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header. Avail this Token from user login api setting. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
merchantcode | Agent Merchant Code Ex:- AGENT01 |
user_txn_id | REF ID FROM YOUR END |
aadharcard | Cutomer Aadhar No : 123413241234 |
mobile | Cusomer Mobile No : 8888877777 |
bank_id | Bank ID Ex:- 607094 , You will find "Bank List Table" below, to get the list of supported banks and their respective ids |
device | Possible Values : mantra,morpho,startek,precision,secugen,next biometrics,aratek,evolution,tatvik |
latitude | 22.7338826 |
longitude | 88.8172865 |
device_response | XML Response from finger print device as it is ex: <\\\?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\" \\\?\\\> |
ipaddress | |
accessmodetype | Possible values : APP,SITE (For mobile application use APP, For website use SITE) |
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 1, "message": "Transaction Success.", "data": { "txn_id": "2050351212", "user_txn_id": "255301", "status": "SUCCESS", "amount": null, "txn_type": "BE", "ref_no": "3680533", "pay_id": "201912232635", "account_balance": "2071.5800", "err_code": null, "ms": null, "remark": "Request Completed" } }
Bank Id (bank_id) | Bank Name |
990320 | Airtel Payment Bank |
607105 | Allahabad Bank |
607024 | Allahabad UP Gramin Bank |
607161 | Andhra Bank |
607198 | Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikash Bank |
607121 | Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank |
607051 | AP Mahesh Coop Urban Bank Ltd |
607064 | Assam Gramin Vikash Bank |
608087 | AU Small Finance Bank |
607153 | Axis Bank |
607063 | Bangiya Gramin Vikash Bank |
606985 | Bank Of Baroda |
508505 | Bank of India |
607387 | Bank of Maharashtra |
606995 | Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank |
607280 | Baroda Rajasthan Kshetriya Gramin Bank |
606993 | Baroda Uttar Pradesh Gramin Bank |
607396 | Canara Bank |
607082 | Catholic Syrian Bank |
607264 | Central Bank of India |
607080 | Chaitanya Godavari Gramin Bank |
607214 | Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank |
607324 | City Union Bank |
607136 | Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank |
508547 | Dena Bank |
607099 | Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank |
607218 | Ellaquai Dehati Bank |
508998 | Equitas Small Finance Bank |
607363 | Federal Bank |
817304 | Fincare Small Finance Bank |
608001 | Fino Payments Bank |
607152 | HDFC Bank |
607140 | Himachal Pradesh Gramin Bank |
508534 | ICICI Bank |
607095 | IDBI Bank |
608117 | IDFC First Bank |
608314 | India Post Payment Bank |
607105 | Indian bank |
607126 | Indian Overseas Bank |
607189 | IndusInd Bank |
607440 | Jammu & Kashmir Bank |
607210 | Jharkhand Gramin Bank |
607270 | Karnataka Bank |
607512 | Karnataka Gramin Bank |
607122 | Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank |
508662 | Karur Vysya Bank |
607365 | Kashi Gomati Samyut Gramin Bank |
607399 | Kerala Gramin Bank |
990309 | Kotak Mahindra Bank |
607058 | Lakshmi Vilas Bank |
607203 | Langpi Dehangi Rural Bank |
607022 | Madhya Pradesh Gramin Bank |
607232 | Madhyanchal Gramin Bank |
607000 | Maharashtra Gramin Bank |
607062 | Manipur Rural Bank |
607206 | Meghalaya Rural Bank |
607230 | Mizoram Rural Bank |
607060 | Odisha Gramya Bank |
607027 | Oriental Bank of Commerce |
607052 | Pallavan Grama Bank |
607059 | Pandyan Grama Bank |
607079 | Paschim Banga Gramin Bank |
607400 | Pragathi Krishna Gramin Bank |
607135 | Prathama Bank |
607054 | Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank |
607087 | Punjab & Sind Bank |
607138 | Punjab Gramin Bank |
607212 | Purvanchal Gramin Bank |
607509 | Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank |
607393 | Ratnakar Bank |
607053 | Saptagiri Grameena Bank |
607139 | Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank |
607200 | Saurashtra Gramin Bank |
607119 | Shivalik Mercantile Cooperative Bank |
607439 | South Indian Bank |
607094 | State Bank of India |
607187 | Tamilnad Mercantile Bank |
607195 | Telangana Grameena Bank |
652150 | The Saraswat Co-operative Bank Ltd |
607065 | Tripura Gramin Bank |
607066 | UCO Bank |
508991 | Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited |
607234 | Utkal Gramin Bank |
607073 | Uttar Banga Kshetriya Gramin Bank |
607069 | Uttar Bihar Grameen Bank |
607197 | Uttarakhand Gramin Bank |
607020 | Vidarbha Konkan Gramin Bank |
607618 | YES Bank |
608032 | Paytm Payments Bank |
607024 | Aryavart Bank |
607161 | Corporation Bank |
607024 | Gramin bank of Aryavart |
607210 | Jharkhand Rajya Gramin Bank |
607136 | Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank erstwhile Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank |
607022 | Narmada Jhabua Gramin Bank |
607135 | Prathma UP Gramin Bank |
607027 | Punjab National Bank |
607135 | Sarva UP Gramin Bank |
607396 | Syndicate Bank |
607052 | TamilNadu Grama Bank |
607161 | Union Bank of India |
607027 | United Bank Of India |
607210 | Vananchal Gramin Bank |
606985 | Vijaya Bank |
0 | Bandhan Bank Limited |
curl --location --request POST 'https://api.bharatpays.in/api/aeps3/mini_statement' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer 1231231432123123' \ --form 'merchantcode="AGENT01"' \ --form 'user_txn_id="123"' \ --form 'aadharcard="123412341234"' \ --form 'mobile="8888888888"' \ --form 'bank_id="607094"' \ --form 'device="mantra"' \ --form 'latitude="22.7338826"' \ --form 'longitude="88.8172865"' \ --form 'device_response="<\\\?\\\xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"UTF-8\\\" standalone=\\\"yes\\\" \\\?\\\><\\/additional_info> <\\/DeviceInfo> MjAyMi0wMS0xOVQxMjowMDowNWTTFIXkXpEKQ3MUxPjK74rghvnqn\\/pTm0QCNjzO23sNaWMMQDYssD6vJwxBxPhFBl6mTKccoGT8kqPrsZZSeTptUdc\\/25KJusNhFYdssmTYCQhFfWFmrV0qo2S12P9pfq8eO3tlc\\/yMiPWuSz8swRQ5VaBJjx2FPtNx9uoSyTJS5kVUj4aaEzWHBlXPMSI6cyeGQBEcf8FIHQf4FpCQMiFzwNG0git5eX15nmF1wtNaXpvJmVpQEPedOW2wNS+pfTvfzg3xp80ZM+haDzx8pSp9SmZbS1AFK6x+5GNe7VElj93WDk7zaKZZ2MFMj02yfHS9X39Id42K5Et+VjU7jxS02\\/1P+QbdarETD8J0+zTRElwBFyxai3wU3nzlyf0BjBBzKoEPfvMxKUeJGbuaoA3BS8i+kbNCX2kivMp4541ZYXzKTfowl6oRGAliVnGvj7qq\\/Q8sEgcID0xXRFiD09OtS97gsoSNindo0r4R1Dxwc8Z3pKokTsYdjFtNyKfx0vcxEsd+qJknOE0L7shTx3aOlBf1xr6CdxZ9FXKZzp8GNv0GoRzaceMGmNGg6hxilXxxsZS0nSMH1NgbrY+i\\/wLQaQ717jMk579NiImaIZ9r2IvZ\\/NVhhtLBfnM8t+p0G+oWt95HOHQ\\/JlrDm1UlH\\/CFvM550znfIencK9q\\/f+VjlukQ4YVCl41j07aiTCIGTqdkPeb0R6NpxqnsFdevTYCq1kn7DPeg1fh5OI320zmucUxOS5TFKq5MhkwlpMySCiSDZJIWMNkuQCYO1ZMXuAijhl563PU\\/hJ+B3YUnR+j+eNu2SyydVM6rSD0swlXDS6Z\\/5Pb\\/G7xKyZz1aTrIPgFo9a\\/hGik\\/86\\/e+\\/s93uv9Agev60hn0jHIl8cT6iDY+zhA4dFQWgp55a3m6HQ2veCcmwZVDkQtxxMP\\/Ux8GwOWWGuh5YKMpXpdOC18AZq\\/ZeUps6tCP0c5eIzXDetIoaKN8sUZd8+Y2YvB38fNAdMVC5oQJcAXZV3f8a6W5T3HzprtlDLOSxe8sIpqALMZ0zx6HxOQu88\\/FMxETPnBm1QYpADp4n1oF8aHXDF6dAhSSSk1r9fcEZVU6GyFRquvw4X6J7QipyaE131Kw1Ahfwe7HQGN4vud6B1qddRZy5wk79HLVT7z3OeH2hPfKpWoliandl\\/mj2GPV\\/WeKEp3eg9kqZLfurL+p6CBIdArccYeVEm59gXm4lV74lrbhdCLAUKQcrugr4LJyBLT8frLA\\/bc6xSArYlqo3czML7ZWdhnDr\\/fzS6dzlCk0d557g==<\\/Data> oaEeHpu7vTATBAw2XUDRCsaVKSGd9FbPN+FeqTn63L32MRgUN66zp3vXCw6dgNkdUxOf3vS\\/pCldRCdJ1iWLAnX+fje+Kn\\/yvsu4sGasOO7VohF5k1V7MZQQtevexDJi6a98dFnkFSZ0yyK1aCnUXldPpNC9UAqS20apsJCXZ\\/rPf6QVbfNHR5aFWAh4xQ0+oIfqF0ug1aZACvzNMgnFGSPCmNQFuEWqcLxUyFZSfeC8OZuYwVoAT79qi6XjROBYCFfV0yHcFHgCG0BottZ6M4a1R+ihs6vjdkwvsEwpVJgamHHrAGcr2muScPUhog1ohfcRiaUzdzSFT2HF7gnPCA==<\\/Skey> DtBAa4zAHd+6C7oMNxcuitOxA+2hkWkwTcqr0uzcfoohjBvffFQZ38cvgjYJVxxV<\\/Hmac> <\\/PidData>"' \ --form 'ipaddress=""' \ --form 'accessmodetype="SITE"'
Name | Description |
Authorization Header | This variable is used only in POST Method Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header. Avail this Token from user login api setting. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
merchantcode | Agent Merchant Code Ex:- AGENT01 |
user_txn_id | REF ID FROM YOUR END |
aadharcard | Cutomer Aadhar No : 123413241234 |
mobile | Cusomer Mobile No : 8888877777 |
bank_id | Bank ID Ex:- 607094 , You will find "Bank List Table" below, to get the list of supported banks and their respective ids |
device | Possible Values : mantra,morpho,startek,precision,secugen,next biometrics,aratek,evolution,tatvik |
latitude | 22.7338826 |
longitude | 88.8172865 |
device_response | XML Response from finger print device as it is ex: <\\\?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\" \\\?\\\> |
ipaddress | |
accessmodetype | Possible values : APP,SITE (For mobile application use APP, For website use SITE) |
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 1, "message": "Transaction Success.", "data": { "txn_id": "506162190967", "user_txn_id": "255357", "status": "SUCCESS", "amount": null, "txn_type": "MS", "ref_no": "7413038", "pay_id": "201913683072", "account_balance": "4292.0000", "err_code": null, "ms": "[{\"date\":\"19\\\/01\",\"txnType\":\"Dr\",\"amount\":\"2000.0\",\"narration\":\" FIG\\\/F\\\/87583596 \"},{\"date\":\"17\\\/01\",\"txnType\":\"Cr\",\"amount\":\"3000.0\",\"narration\":\" NEF\\\/F\\\/63535397 \"},{\"date\":\"16\\\/01\",\"txnType\":\"Dr\",\"amount\":\"1010.0\",\"narration\":\" FIG\\\/F\\\/50100585 \"}]", "remark": "Request Completed" } }
curl --location --request POST 'https://api.bharatpays.in/api/aeps3/cash_withdrawal' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer 1231231432123123' \ --form 'amount="101"' \ --form 'merchantcode="AGENT01"' \ --form 'user_txn_id="123"' \ --form 'aadharcard="123412341234"' \ --form 'mobile="8888888888"' \ --form 'bank_id="607094"' \ --form 'device="mantra"' \ --form 'latitude="22.7338826"' \ --form 'longitude="88.8172865"' \ --form 'device_response="<\\\?\\\xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"UTF-8\\\" standalone=\\\"yes\\\" \\\?\\\><\\/additional_info> <\\/DeviceInfo> 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<\\/Data> oaEeHpu7vTATBAw2XUDRCsaVKSGd9FbPN+FeqTn63L32MRgUN66zp3vXCw6dgNkdUxOf3vS\\/pCldRCdJ1iWLAnX+fje+Kn\\/yvsu4sGasOO7VohF5k1V7MZQQtevexDJi6a98dFnkFSZ0yyK1aCnUXldPpNC9UAqS20apsJCXZ\\/rPf6QVbfNHR5aFWAh4xQ0+oIfqF0ug1aZACvzNMgnFGSPCmNQFuEWqcLxUyFZSfeC8OZuYwVoAT79qi6XjROBYCFfV0yHcFHgCG0BottZ6M4a1R+ihs6vjdkwvsEwpVJgamHHrAGcr2muScPUhog1ohfcRiaUzdzSFT2HF7gnPCA==<\\/Skey> DtBAa4zAHd+6C7oMNxcuitOxA+2hkWkwTcqr0uzcfoohjBvffFQZ38cvgjYJVxxV<\\/Hmac> <\\/PidData>"' \ --form 'ipaddress=""' \ --form 'accessmodetype="SITE"'
Name | Description |
Authorization Header | This variable is used only in POST Method Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header. Avail this Token from user login api setting. Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45 |
amount | Amount to Withdraw min :100, max : 10000 |
merchantcode | Agent Merchant Code Ex:- AGENT01 |
user_txn_id | REF ID FROM YOUR END |
aadharcard | Cutomer Aadhar No : 123413241234 |
mobile | Cusomer Mobile No : 8888877777 |
bank_id | Bank ID Ex:- 607094 , You will find "Bank List Table" below, to get the list of supported banks and their respective ids |
device | Possible Values : mantra,morpho,startek,precision,secugen,next biometrics,aratek,evolution,tatvik |
latitude | 22.7338826 |
longitude | 88.8172865 |
device_response | XML Response from finger print device as it is ex: <\\\?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\" \\\?\\\> |
ipaddress | |
accessmodetype | Possible values : APP,SITE (For mobile application use APP, For website use SITE) |
success : 0 (failure)
{ "success" : 0, "message" : "Failure reason" }
success : 1 (success)
{ "success": 1, "message": "Transaction Success.", "data": { "txn_id": "310658031294", "user_txn_id": "21120", "status": "SUCCESS", "amount": "101.00", "txn_type": "CW", "ref_no": "3896616", "pay_id": "201913379355", "account_balance": "32974.0000", "err_code": null, "ms": null, "remark": "Request Completed" } }
Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example : http://yoursitename.com/callback/recharge_callback
{ "success" : 1, "message" : "Virtual Payment Received.", "data" : { "type" : "va_transaction", "id" : "123456789", "status" : "SUCCESS", "amount" : "100.00", "bank_ref_id" : "4564878745646", "payment_mode" : "IMPS", "vpa" : "test.3000002229@icici", "virtual_accounts_id" : "2022521", "remark" : "remark message", "created_at" : "2020-12-24 10:00:00" } }
Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example : http://yoursitename.com/callback/recharge_callback
{ "success" : 1, "message" : "Virtual Payment Received.", "data" : { "type" : "va_transaction", "id" : "123456789", "status" : "SUCCESS", "amount" : "100.00", "bank_ref_id" : "4564878745646", "payment_mode" : "IMPS", "vpa" : "test.3000002229@icici", "virtual_accounts_id" : "2022521", "remark" : "remark message", "created_at" : "2020-12-24 10:00:00" } }