Sample Request (PHP - cURL)

Start Transaction

POST Method

        $curl = curl_init();
        curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
          CURLOPT_URL => "",
          CURLOPT_ENCODING => "",
          CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10,
          CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0,
          CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('ref_id' => 'XXX1234','first_name' => 'Harshad Sanyal','email' => '','mobile' => 'XXXXXX1652','amount' => '1.00','surl' => 'Success Redirect Url','furl' => 'Failed Redirect Url','udf1' => 'Testing','udf2' => 'Testing','udf3' => 'Testing'),
          CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
            "Authorization: Bearer 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45"
        $response = curl_exec($curl);
        echo $response;

Parameters - List

Name Description
Authorization Header This variable is used only in POST Method
Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header.
Avail this Token from user login api setting.
Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
ref_id Unique Ref Id
Ex:- 123456789
first_name Name
Ex:- Test
email Email
mobile Mobile Number,exact 10 digit length
Ex:- XXXXXX9016
amount Amount
Ex:- 1.00
surl Success Redirect Url
furl Failed Redirect Url
udf1 User Defined Fields, Up to 255 Character (Optional)
Ex:- 12
udf2 User Defined Fields, Up to 255 Character (Optional)
Ex:- 45
udf3 User Defined Fields, Up to 255 Character (Optional)
Ex:- 42

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure response)

            "success" : 0,
            "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success response)

        Customer will be redirected to payment 
gateway page for transaction completion.

Check Status

POST Method

                $curl = curl_init();
                curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
                  CURLOPT_URL => "",
                  CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
                  CURLOPT_ENCODING => "",
                  CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10,
                  CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0,
                  CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true,
                  CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "POST",
                  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('ref_id' => 'XXX1234'),
                  CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                    "Authorization: Bearer 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45"
                $response = curl_exec($curl);
                echo $response;
Name Description
Authorization Header This variable is used only in POST Method
Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header.
Avail this Token from user login api setting.
Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
ref_id Your Ref Id
Ex:- 123456789

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

            "success" : 0,
            "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

            "success": 1,
            "message": "Txn status checked successfully.",
            "data": {
                "order_id": "111111111",
                "ref_id": "XX123",
                "amount": "1.00",
                "first_name": "Testing",
                "email": ""
                "mobile": "XXXXX901610"
                "status": "SUCCESS"
                "udf1": ""
                "udf2": ""
                "udf3": ""
                "remark": "reamrk Message"
                "created_at": ""

Callback URL

Please Update Your IP Address and Status Check Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example :

Notes :-
1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
2. 2. Callback url will hit only when Agent status updated to SUCCESS or FAILED, we will send type = "eb_payment" for any callback related to eb_payment.
3. If you want to verify callback than you can request authorization token from header and compare it with your token.
            "success" : 1,
            "message" : "EB Payment Detail Update.",
            "data" : {
                "type" : 'eb_payment',
                "order_id": "111111111",
                "ref_id": "XX123",
                "amount": "1.00",
                "first_name": "Testing",
                "email": ""
                "mobile": "XXXXX901610"
                "status": "SUCCESS"
                "udf1": ""
                "udf2": ""
                "udf3": ""
                "remark": "reamrk Message"
                "created_at": ""


        $curl = curl_init();
        curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
          CURLOPT_URL => '',
          CURLOPT_ENCODING => '',
          CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10,
          CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0,
          CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('mobile_no' => '9999999999','amount' => '5000'),
          CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
            'Authorization: Bearer dsfasdfasdfasfsdfasdfasdfsadfsdf'
        $response = curl_exec($curl);
        echo $response;


Parameters - List

Name Description
mobile_no Mobile No of The Customer
Ex:- 9999999999
amount Amount to Transfer
Ex:- 5000
Authorization Header Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header.
Avail this Token from user login api setting.
Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "success": 1,
    "message": "Request accepted",
    "data": {
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "amount": "1.00",
        "remark": "Request accepted",
        "order_id": "3775356667",
        "id": "17"

Search Sender

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "success": 0,
    "message": "Sender Data Fetched successfully.",
    "data": {
        "sender": {
            "id": "0",
            "name": "Testing",
            "mobile_no": "1111111111",
            "gender": "MALE",
            "otp_verified": "0",
            "kyc_status": "1",
            "address": " ",
            "created_at": "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
        "beneficiary": [
                "sender_id": "0",
                "name": "Testing",
                "ac_no": "16900xxxxxxxx",
                "ifsc": "BARB0AMARNA",
                "otp_verified": "0",
                "account_verify": "0"

Register Sender""

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "data": {
        "sender_id": 3
    "success": 1,
    "message": "Send OTP Successful."

Send Sender OTP

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "success": 1,
    "message": "Send OTP Successful."

Verify Sender OTP

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "success": 1,
    "message": "OTP Verify Successful."

Register Beneficiary

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "data": {
        "beneficiary_id": 2
    "success": 1,
    "message": "Send OTP Successful."

Send Beneficiary OTP

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "success": 1,
    "message": "Send OTP Successful."

Verify Beneficiary OTP

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "success": 1,
    "message": "OTP Verify Successful."

Account Verification

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "message": "Transfer Success",
    "success": 1,
    "data": {
        "beneficiary": {
            "name": "Testing",
            "ac_no": "169XXXXXXX",
            "ifsc": "BARXXXXX",
            "account_verify": "1"

Transfer Money

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "success": 1,
    "message": "Payout Request Failed",
    "data": {
        "order_id": "11111111",
        "txn_ref_id": null,
        "status": "FAILED",
        "bank_remark": null,
        "bank_transaction_ref_id": ""

Check Status

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "success": 1,
    "message": "Payout status checked successfully.",
    "data": {
        "order_id": "111111111",
        "reference_id": "0",
        "status": "FAILED",
        "bank_remark": null,
        "bank_transaction_ref_id": ""

kYC Aadhaar

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "data": {
        "ref_id": "231574"
    "success": 1,
    "message": "Aadhaar verification Successfully."

Kyc Verify OTP

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "success": 1,
    "message": "Aadhaar verification Successfully.",
    "data": {
        "ref_id": "231762",
        "status": "VALID",
        "message": "Aadhaar verification Successfully.",
        "care_of": "S/O: testing",
        "address": "Rajkot,Gujarat-360405",
        "dob": "03-06-1999",
        "email": "ed2b29d29a9e9e65093ede521074c359df2f4a0b03fd1ddc816260c9eaaa3991",
        "gender": "M",
        "name": "Testing",
        "split_address": {
            "country": "India",
            "dist": "Rajkot",
            "house": "",
            "landmark": "",
            "pincode": "360xxx",
            "po": "",
            "state": "Gujarat",
            "street": "Rajkot",
            "subdist": "Jamkandorna",
            "vtc": ""
        "year_of_birth": "1998",
        "mobile_hash": "75f8f6c2e7d328b26c864e6479a1270b24df2958e94b4395dc0c7b87c8508e4e",
        "photo_link": "",
        "success": 1

Payout Request

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "success": 1,
    "message": "Payout Request Submitted Successfully",
    "data": {
        "order_id": "682311611361",
        "recepient_name": "testing",
        "email_id": "",
        "mobile_no": "90161XXXXX",
        "amount": "1.00",
        "reference_id": "1",
        "bank_remark": null,
        "user_id": "4",

Parameters - List

Name Description
token Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting.
This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header.
Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
vpa Upi ID Set
Ex:- yourupiid@icici
recepient_name Name
Ex:- Testing
email_id Email Address
mobile Mobile Number
Ex:- 901610XXXX
amount Amount Set
Ex:- 100
reference_id Unique Ref ID
Ex:- 12123

Check Status


Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "success": 1,
    "message": "Payout status checked successfully.",
    "data": {
        "order_id": "799619527818",
        "recepient_name": "Maulik",
        "email_id": "",
        "mobile_no": "9016105096",
        "amount": "1.00",
        "reference_id": "10",
        "bank_remark": null,
        "status": null,

Parameters - List

Name Description
token Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting.
This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header.
Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
order_id Your Order ID
Ex:- 12123

Upi ID Verify

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "success": 1,
    "message": "Upi Payout status checked successfully",
    "data": {
        "id": "11",
        "upi_id": "testing@ybl",
        "request_id": "1008592",
        "account_exists": "1",
        "name_at_bank": "Testing",

Parameters - List

Name Description
token Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting.
This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header.
Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
vpa Upi ID Set
Ex:- yourupiid@icici

Callback URL

Please Update Your IP Address and Status Check Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example :

Notes :-
1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
2. 2. Callback url will hit only when Transaction status updated to SUCCESS or FAILED, we will send type = "upi_payout" for any callback related to upi payout.
3. If you want to verify callback than you can request authorization token from header and compare it with your token.
            "success": 1,
            "message": "Upi Payout Txn Status Update.",
            "data": {
                "recepient_name": "name",
                "email_id": "",
                "order_id": "787987979797",
                "amount": "1.00",
                "status": "FAILED",
                "reference_id": "12",
                "bank_remark": "319351073217",
                "type": "upi_payout"

Biometric Psa Registration

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

        "psa_id" : "PAYP-568",
        "status" : "PENDING,APPROVED,REJECTED"
    "success": 1,
    "message": "Bio PSA Agent Added Sucessfully"

Parameters - List

Name Description
token Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting.
This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header.
Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
contact_person Contact Person Name
Ex:- Testing
name Name
Ex:- Testing
email Email Address
mobile Mobile Number
Ex:- 901610XXXX
pin PIN
Ex:- 123456
pan_no PAN NO
district_id District Id
Ex:- 12
state_id State Id
Ex:- 12
location Location
Ex:- Testing
address_line_1 Address Line 1
Ex:- Testing
address_line_2 Address Line 2
Ex:- Testing
address_line_3 Address Line 3
Ex:- Testing
address_line_4 Address Line 4
Ex:- Testing
ref_id Your Reference Id (similar to order_id from your side) (optional)
Ex:- 123ISD456 (Alphanumeric Key - Max Length : 40 characters)
Authorization Header This variable is used only in POST Method
Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header.
Avail this Token from user login api setting.
Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45

Biometric Psa State And District


Biometric Psa Payment Request

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

        "order_id" : "568",
        "status" : "PENDING,APPROVED,REJECTED"
    "success": 1,
    "message": "Bio Payment Request Submitted Sucessfully."

Parameters - List

Name Description
token Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting.
This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header.
Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
amount Amount
Ex:- 100
psa_id PSA ID
Ex:- PAYP-568
your_ref_id Your Ref Id
Ex:- 123

Biometric Transaction Get Records For Commission

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

            "commission": "10.00",
            "psa_id": "ANNECHM-ANNEX01xxx",
            "bio_type_id": "5",
            "application_no": "K000xxxxx",
            "address": "INDIAN",
            "name": "xx xx",
            "lot_no": "xxxxx",
            "lot_date": "2023-05-30 00:00:00",
            "doa": "2023-05-29 18:42:44",
            "status": "APPLICATION PROCESSED"
            "commission": "10.00",
            "psa_id": "ANNECHM-xxx",
            "bio_type_id": "1",
            "application_no": "xxxx",
            "address": "INDIAN",
            "name": "xx xxx",
            "lot_no": "xxxxxxxxx",
            "lot_date": "2023-07-22 00:00:00",
            "doa": "2023-07-22 00:00:00",
            "status": "APPLICATION PROCESSED"
    "success": 1,
    "message": "Bio Reg Commission Records Fetched Successfully."

Callback URL For Bio Psa Agent Update

Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example :

Notes :-
1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
2. Callback url will hit only when Agent status updated to SUCCESS or FAILED, we will send type = "bio_psa_agent" for any callback related to bio_psa_agent.
3. If you want to verify callback than you can request authorization token from header and compare it with your token.
                "success" : 1,
                "message" : "Bio Psa Agent Status Updated.",
                "data" : {
                    "type" : "bio_psa_agent",
                    "psa_id" : "123XXXXX",
                    "status" : "SUCCESS",

Callback URL for Bio Payment

Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example :

Notes :-
1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
2. Callback url will hit only when Agent status updated to SUCCESS or FAILED, we will send type = "bio_payment" for any callback related to bio_payment.
3. If you want to verify callback than you can request authorization token from header and compare it with your token.
                "success" : 1,
                "message" : "Bio Payment Status Update Successfully!",
                "data" : {
                    "type" : "bio_payment",
                    "order_id" : "4045XXXXX776",
                    "uti_txn_id" : "VPXXXXX15877",
                    "status" : "SUCCESS ",

Callback URL for Bio Transaction Commission

Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example :

Notes :-
1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
2. Callback url will hit only when Agent status updated to APPLICATION PROCESSED , we will send type = "bio_reg_commission" for any callback related to bio_reg_commission.
3. If you want to verify callback than you can request authorization token from header and compare it with your token.
                "success" : 1,
                "message" : "Bio Reg Commission.",
                "data" : {
                    "type" : "bio_reg_commission",
                    "psa_id" : "123XXXXX",
                    "bio_type_id" : "3",
                    "application_no" : "K00XXXX728",
                    "name" : "Testing",
                    "address" : "Wast",
                    "lot_no" : "LOTXXXX63",
                    "lot_date" : "2023-05-30",
                    "doa" : "2023-05-29",
                    "commission" : "5"
                    "status" : "APPLICATION PROCESSED",

Aadhaar Send OTP

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "reference_id": 4,
    "success": 1,
    "message": "OTP sent successfully"

Aadhaar Verify OTP

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "data": {
        "ref_id": "362886",
        "status": "VALID",
        "message": "Aadhaar verification Successfully.",
        "care_of": "S/O: Testing",
        "address": ",Ahmdabad,Gujarat-123456",
        "dob": "02-12-2003",
        "email": "",
        "gender": "M",
        "name": "Testing",
        "split_address": {
            "country": "India",
            "dist": "Ahmdabad",
            "house": "",
            "landmark": "",
            "pincode": "123456",
            "po": "Ahmdabad",
            "state": "Ahmdabad",
            "street": "",
            "subdist": "Ahmdabad",
            "vtc": "Ahmdabad"
        "year_of_birth": "2003",
        "mobile_hash": "22453832118782weqr5c75a928e518bwerwerewbc4ab673771ac797576bcc",
        "photo_link": "",
        "success": 1
    "success": 1,
    "message": "Aadhaar verification Successfully."

Pan Verify

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "data": {
        "pan": "GTAXXXXXXX",
        "type": "Individual",
        "reference_id": 1767615,
        "name_provided": "",
        "registered_name": "Testing",
        "father_name": "",
        "valid": true,
        "message": "PAN verified successfully"
    "success": 1,
    "message": "Pan verification Successfully."

Account Verify

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

    "success" : 0,
    "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (success)

    "data": {
        "account_exists": true,
        "upi_id": null,
        "full_name": "Testing",
        "remarks": "",
        "ifsc_details": []
    "success": 1,
    "message": "Account Verification Successfully!"

Step 1 : Generate URL

                $curl = curl_init();
                curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
                  CURLOPT_URL => '',
                  CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
                  CURLOPT_ENCODING => '',
                  CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10,
                  CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0,
                  CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true,
                  CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'GET',
                $response = curl_exec($curl);
                echo $response;


Parameters - List

Name Description
customer_ref_id Unique Customer Ref ID
Ex:- 12345
title Title
Ex:- Mr/Shri => 1 , Mrs/Shrimati => 2
first_name First Name of Customer
middle_name (optional) Middle Name of Customer
last_name Last Name of Customer
mode Pancard mode
Ex:- Electronic Pan => E , Physical Pan => P
gender Gender
Ex:- Male,Female,Transgender
redirect_url Redirect Url, after PAN card Process Completion user will be redirected to that page
email_id Email id *** Additional parameter- required if mode is E - Electronic Pan

Response Data

        "success": 1,
        "message": "URL Generated Successfully",
        "data": {
            "id": 15,
            "response_url": "",
            "encdata": "dsfafadsfds/xMxq5Fw9WM5/42vAsw2+QecUiC/PON8+/Z3iCwT8tO2v1ASsJWDTtCdTbsN2n1YqQyLuvI3EGFnon6bGAeVFbjDKxAKYuFnlAAgYPVybuLTDZP8MPUt0/IIx7KZcpxvMuZcElOyBoM781hI/LpanWy51HAAl4fwG+xKxd+ClzRZo5s9TmTtBsbeG78V5n6049lajIgpShRSgNscE/5JfoT3hhX3O7aK4DDRt8qfaoswkyjKUwljw=="
        "success" : 0,
        "message" : "Failed to Generate URL",

Step 2 : Redirect User To NSDL Portal

Redirect to NSDL Portal For Pancard Process POST Method

    $curl = curl_init();
    curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
      CURLOPT_URL => 'response_url',
      CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('encdata' => 'dsfafadsfds/xMxq5Fw9WM5/42vAsw2+QecUiC/PON8+/Z3iCwT8tO2v1ASsJWDTtCdTbsN2n1YqQyLuvI3EGFnon6bGAeVFbjDKxAKYuFnlAAgYPVybuLTDZP8MPUt0/IIx7KZcpxvMuZcElOyBoM781hI/LpanWy51HAAl4fwG+xKxd+ClzRZo5s9TmTtBsbeG78V5n6049lajIgpShRSgNscE/5JfoT3hhX3O7aK4DDRt8qfaoswkyjKUwljw=='),
    $response = curl_exec($curl);
    echo $response;


Parameters - List

Name Description
response_url Response Url Received in Generate Url api response
encdata encdata received in Generate Url api response

Callback URL

Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example :

Notes :-
1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
2. Callback url will hit only when Recharge status updated to SUCCESS or FAILED, we will send type = "nsdl" for any callback related to nsdl.
3. If you want to verify callback than you can request authorization token from header and compare it with your token.
              "success": 1,
              "message": "Nsdl Txn Status Update.",
              "data": {
                "id": "15",
                "customer_ref_id": "12345",
                "status": "SUCCESS",
                "type": "nsdl"
              "success": 1,
              "message": "Nsdl Txn Status Update.",
              "data": {
                "id": "15",
                "customer_ref_id": "12345",
                "status": "FAILED",
                "type": "nsdl"

Step 1 : Start Policy - POST Method

        $curl = curl_init();
        curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
          CURLOPT_URL => '',
          CURLOPT_ENCODING => '',
          CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10,
          CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0,
          CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('mobile_no' => '7777777777','email' => '','first_name' => 'retailer','last_name' => 'name','ref_id' => '1012'),
          CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
            'Authorization: Bearer dsf78f87d78787d7fdfdsdfdfsdf'
        $response = curl_exec($curl);
        echo $response;


Parameters - List

Name Description
mobile_no Mobile Number
Ex:- 9093030417
email Email id
first_name First Name of Customer
last_name Last Name of Customer
ref_id Your Unique Reference Id of Retailer
Ex:- 1234565688 (max length 11)
Authorization Header Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header.
Avail this Token from user login api setting.
Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45

Response Data

Note : In the response of successful request, user will be redirected to policy purchase page.

Step 2 : Policy Premium Deduction Callback URL

Please Update Your IP Address and Policy Premium Deduction Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example :

Notes :-
1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
2. We will hit this callback url when agent request for policy purchase to debit policy purchase charge, You have to debit the policy purchase charge from agent and then have to give response with json data to contine policy purchase process.
3. If you want to verify callback than you can request authorization token from header and compare it with your token.
          "success": 1,
          "message": "Policy Premium Deduction.",
          "data": {
            "ref_no": "1234567897",
            "type": "TWT",
            "amount": "10.00",
            "status": "PENDING",
            "commission": null,
            "remark": null,
            "mobile_no": "7777777777",
            "ak": "221110052637"

Response Handling

Once you debit the registration charge from agent you have to give response in below json format to make policy purchase process success or failed (1=success, 0=failed)

        "success" : 1,
        "message" : "Policy Premium Deducted Successfully",
        "success" : 0,
        "message" : "Failed to Deduct Premium",

Callback URL

Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example :

Notes :-
1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
2. Callback url will hit only when Recharge status updated to SUCCESS or FAILED, we will send type = "policy" for any callback related to policy.
3. If you want to verify callback than you can request authorization token from header and compare it with your token.
          "success": 1,
          "message": "Policy Confirmation.",
          "data": {
            "ref_no": "12345678",
            "policy_type": "TWT",
            "amount": "10.00",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "commission": "20.00",
            "remark": null,
            "mobile_no": "7777777777",
            "ak": "221109051936",
            "type": "policy"
          "success": 1,
          "message": "Policy Confirmation.",
          "data": {
            "ref_no": "12345678",
            "policy_type": "TWT",
            "amount": "10.00",
            "status": "FAILED",
            "commission": "20.00",
            "remark": null,
            "mobile_no": "7501668633",
            "ak": "221109051936",
            "type": "policy"

Follow Below Link To get Postman Collection of Upi Gateway Api

Callback URL

Please Update Your IP Address and Upi Gateway Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example :

Notes :-
1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
2. Callback url will hit only when Transction status updated to SUCCESS or FAILED.
3. Possible status value are : INITIATED,PENDING,SUCCESS,FAILED.
            "success": 1,
            "message": "Order Details Fetched Successfully",
            "data": {
                "order_id": "39625143",
                "customer_name": "test",
                "customer_email": "",
                "customer_mobile": "7777777777",
                "status": "INITIATED",
                "amount": "1.00",
                "customer_vpa": null,
                "upi_txn_id": null,
                "remark": null,
                "udf1": "",
                "udf2": "",
                "udf3": "",
                "created_at": "2022-07-06 11:29:25"

Sample Request (PHP - cURL)

GET Method

POST Method

        $curl = curl_init();
        curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
          CURLOPT_URL => "",
          CURLOPT_ENCODING => "",
          CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10,
          CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0,
          CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('opr_code' => '1','mobile' => '9093030417','amount' => '10','reference_id' => '1'),
          CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
            "Authorization: Bearer 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45"
        $response = curl_exec($curl);
        echo $response;

Parameters - List

Name Description
token Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting.
This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header.
Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
opr_code Operator Code ( From Operator List Given Below)
Ex:- 1
mobile Recharge Number (Mobile or DTH Number)
Ex:- 9093030417
amount Recharge Amount
Ex:- 99 (Minimum amount is 10)
reference_id Your Reference Id (similar to order_id from your side) (optional)
Ex:- 123ISD456 (Alphanumeric Key - Max Length : 40 characters)
Authorization Header This variable is used only in POST Method
Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header.
Avail this Token from user login api setting.
Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45

Response Data

Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

success : 0 (failure)

            "success" : 0,
            "message" : "Failure reason"

success : 1 (recharge request accepted)

            "success" : 1,
            "message" : "Success Message",
            "data" : {
                "order_id" : "123456",
                "reference_id" : "123ISD456",
                "status" : "SUCCESS",
                "opr_txn_id" : "6203733",
                "remark" : "remark from operators"

Response Prameters -List

Name Description
success 0 - Failed to initiate recharge
1 - Recharge request accepted
message Reason for success or failed
order_id Unique Order Id From APi Portal for Future Reference
reference_id Reference ID provided by you
status SUCCESS - recharge success
PENDING - recharge pending
FAILED - recharge failed
opr_txn_id Operator Transaction Id
remark Message for the transaction if any

Callback URL

Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
Example :

Notes :-
1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
2. Callback url will hit only when Recharge status updated to SUCCESS or FAILED.
3. If you want to verify callback than you can request authorization token from header and compare it with your token.
            "success" : 1,
            "message" : "Message",
            "data" : {
                "order_id" : "123456",
                "reference_id" : "123ISD456",
                "status" : "SUCCESS",
                "opr_txn_id" : "6203733",
                "remark" : "remark from operators"
            "success" : 1,
            "message" : "Message",
            "data" : {
                "order_id" : "123456",
                "reference_id" : "123ISD456",
                "status" : "FAILED",
                "opr_txn_id" : "6203733",
                "remark" : "remark from operators"
Only For Callback Testing Purpose, we are sending callback data in this format (curl)
        curl --location --request POST '' \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --data-raw '{
            "success": 1,
            "message": "Message",
            "data": {
                "order_id": "123456",
                "reference_id": "123ISD456",
                "status": "SUCCESS",
                "opr_txn_id": "6203733",
                "remark": "remark from operators"

Operators - List

Sr. No Service Type Operator Name Operator Code (opr_code)
1 Broadband Bill ACT BroadBand 626
2 Broadband Bill AirConnect 661
3 Broadband Bill AirJaldi - Rural Broadband 644
4 Broadband Bill Airnet Networks 663
5 Broadband Bill Airtel Broadband 631
6 Broadband Bill Alliance Broadband Services Pvt. Ltd. 501
7 Broadband Bill ANI Network Pvt Ltd 684
8 Broadband Bill Apple Fibernet 659
9 Broadband Bill ASIANET Broadband (ASIANET) 633
10 Broadband Bill B Fibernet 685
11 Broadband Bill Balaji Broadband 693
12 Broadband Bill Cherrinet 681
13 Broadband Bill Cloudlasers Broadband 706
14 Broadband Bill Cloudsky Superfast Broadband & Services Pvt Ltd 674
15 Broadband Bill Comway Broadband 632
16 Broadband Bill Confiar Partner 709
17 Broadband Bill Correl Internet 687
18 Broadband Bill Cyber Broadband 705
19 Broadband Bill Daksh Telecom 704
20 Broadband Bill Deenet Services Private Limited 664
21 Broadband Bill Den Broadband 636
22 Broadband Bill Deshkal Networks 678
23 Broadband Bill DHL Fibernet 697
24 Broadband Bill Digiway Net 658
25 Broadband Bill DWAN Supports Private Ltd 651
26 Broadband Bill Ethernet Xpress 677
27 Broadband Bill Eway FiberNet 690
28 Broadband Bill Excell Broadband 646
29 Broadband Bill FABNET 691
30 Broadband Bill Flash Fibernet 641
31 Broadband Bill Fusionnet Web Services Private Limited 630
32 Broadband Bill GBPS Networks Pvt Ltd 676
33 Broadband Bill Globalfibertel 703
34 Broadband Bill GTPL KCBPL Broadband Pvt Ltd 648
35 Broadband Bill GTPL KCBPL Broadband Pvt Ltd 649
36 Broadband Bill Hathway 627
37 Broadband Bill Infinet 688
38 Broadband Bill Instalinks 634
39 Broadband Bill Instanet Broadband 639
40 Broadband Bill ION 642
41 Broadband Bill Jiffy Cable & Datacom Pvt Ltd 680
42 Broadband Bill Kerala Vision Broadband Pvt Ltd 650
43 Broadband Bill Kings Broadband 657
44 Broadband Bill Krishiinet Infocom Pvt Ltd 708
45 Broadband Bill Krp Fibernet 702
46 Broadband Bill Limras Eronet 652
47 Broadband Bill Linkio Fibernet 653
48 Broadband Bill Manas Broadband 695
49 Broadband Bill Microsacn Infocommtech Pvt. Ltd. 654
50 Broadband Bill Mnet Broadband 635
51 Broadband Bill MS Broadband 692
52 Broadband Bill MTNL Delhi Broadband 625
53 Broadband Bill Netplus Broadband 640
54 Broadband Bill Nextra Broadband 629
55 Broadband Bill NSB Networks Broadband 655
56 Broadband Bill One Broadband 662
57 Broadband Bill Pegasuswave Pvt Ltd 707
58 Broadband Bill Pink Broadband 660
59 Broadband Bill Pioneer Elabs Limited 670
60 Broadband Bill Quest Consultancy 673
61 Broadband Bill Quicknet 710
62 Broadband Bill Reisnet Broadband Pvt ltd 667
63 Broadband Bill SCCNET 683
64 Broadband Bill Shine Broadband 682
65 Broadband Bill Skylink Fibernet Private Limited 645
66 Broadband Bill Skyway Telecom Services 679
67 Broadband Bill SpectraNet Broadband 628
68 Broadband Bill Speednet Unique Network 694
69 Broadband Bill Spiderlink Networks Pvt Ltd 665
70 Broadband Bill Spidernet Broadband 675
71 Broadband Bill Sri Vijayalaksmhi Digital Vision 666
72 Broadband Bill SS INTERNET 698
73 Broadband Bill Super Sonic Broadband Private Limited 686
74 Broadband Bill TIC FIBER 656
75 Broadband Bill Timbl Broadband 637
76 Broadband Bill TJ Broadband Network Pvt Ltd" 689
77 Broadband Bill TSK Giga Fibber 671
78 Broadband Bill TSK Giga Fibber 672
79 Broadband Bill UCN Cable 701
80 Broadband Bill Udupi Fastnet 668
81 Broadband Bill Ufibernet 696
82 Broadband Bill Vfibernet Broadband 638
83 Broadband Bill Weebo NetworksPt 669
84 Broadband Bill Wish Net Pvt Ltd 647
85 DTH Airtel DTH 21
86 DTH Big Tv 22
87 DTH Dish Tv 23
88 DTH Sun Tv 24
89 DTH Tata Sky 25
90 DTH Videocon Dth 26
91 Electricity Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd 139
92 Electricity APEPDCL 190
93 Electricity APSPDCL 191
94 Electricity Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd 142
95 Electricity Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd (NON-RAPDR) 162
96 Electricity Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd. (NON-RAPDR) 111
97 Electricity Bangalore Electricity Supply 127
98 Electricity BEST 122
99 Electricity Bhagalpur Electricity Distribution Company (P) Ltd 131
100 Electricity Bharatpur Electricity Services Ltd. (BESL) 145
101 Electricity Bikaner Electricity Supply Limited (BkESL) 146
102 Electricity BSES Rajdhani 114
103 Electricity BSES Rajdhani Prepaid Meter Recharge 194
104 Electricity BSES Yamuna 115
105 Electricity BSES Yamuna Prepaid Meter Recharge 195
106 Electricity Calcutta Electricity Supply Co. Ltd. 137
107 Electricity Central Power DistributionCorpotion(APCPDCL) 189
108 Electricity Chamundeshwari ElectricitSupplyCorpLtd(CESCOM) 163
109 Electricity Chhattisgarh Electricity Board 123
110 Electricity Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company 119
111 Electricity Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN) 159
112 Electricity Daman and Diu Electricity Department 136
113 Electricity Department of Power, Nagaland 173
114 Electricity DepartmentofPowerGovernment ArunachalPradesh 186
115 Electricity DNH Power Distribution Company Limited 132
116 Electricity DNHPDCL - DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 200
117 Electricity Electricity Department Chandigarh 180
118 Electricity Gift Power Company Limited 185
119 Electricity Goa Electricity Department 172
120 Electricity Government of Puducherry Electricity Department 179
121 Electricity Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company Limited 155
122 Electricity Himachal Pradesh Electricity 165
123 Electricity Hubli Electricity Supply Company Ltd (HESCOM) 164
124 Electricity Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd 125
125 Electricity Jammu and Kashmir Power Development Department 181
126 Electricity Jamshedpur Utilities & Services 129
127 Electricity Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (JBVNL) 161
128 Electricity Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd 126
129 Electricity Kannan Devan Hills Plantations Company pvt ltd 187
130 Electricity Kanpur Electricity Supply 141
131 Electricity Kerala State Electricity Board Ltd. (KSEBL) 177
132 Electricity Kota Electricity Distribution Limited (KEDL) 147
133 Electricity Lakshadweep Electricity Department 184
134 Electricity M.P. Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran - RURAL 167
135 Electricity M.P. Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran - URBAN 166
136 Electricity M.P. Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran - URBAN 168
137 Electricity M.P. Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran – RURAL 170
138 Electricity Madhya Gujarat Vij Company 118
139 Electricity Mangalore Electricity SupplCompanyLTD(Non RAPDR) 183
140 Electricity Mangalore Electricity Supply Co. Ltd (MESCOM) 175
141 Electricity Meghalaya Power Distribution Cor. Ltd 138
142 Electricity MP Paschim Vidyut Vitaran - INDO 128
143 Electricity MP-Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co. Ltd.(Bhopal) 134
144 Electricity MP-Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co. Ltd.(Jabalpur) 135
145 Electricity MSEB Mumbai 116
146 Electricity NESCO, Odisha 149
147 Electricity New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) - Electricity 169
148 Electricity Noida Power Company Limited 124
149 Electricity North Bihar Power 198
150 Electricity North Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd. 148
151 Electricity Paschim Gujarat Vij Company 120
152 Electricity Power & Electricity Department – Mizoram 178
153 Electricity Power and Electricity Department-Mizoram 225
154 Electricity Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd (PSPCL) 160
155 Electricity Reliance Energy_Mumbai 113
156 Electricity Sikkim Power - URBAN 174
157 Electricity Sikkim Power – RURAL 171
158 Electricity SNDL Nagpur 150
159 Electricity South Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd. 144
160 Electricity SOUTHCO, Odisha 151
161 Electricity Southern Bihar Power 197
162 Electricity Southern Power Telangana 192
163 Electricity Spurt Electric Limited 199
164 Electricity Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB) 156
165 Electricity Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd 117
166 Electricity TataPowerMumbai 140
167 Electricity The OperatorCodefield must containauniquevalue. 203
168 Electricity Thrissur Corporation Electricity Department 188
169 Electricity Torrent Power Ltd. 130
170 Electricity TP Ajmer Distribution Ltd (TPADL) 152
171 Electricity TP Central Odisha Distribution Ltd. 176
172 Electricity TP Renewables Microgrid Ltd. 193
173 Electricity Tripura State Electricity Board 133
174 Electricity Uttar Gujarat Vij Company 121
175 Electricity Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (UHBVN) 158
176 Electricity Uttar Pradesh Power Corp Ltd (UPPCL) - RURAL 157
177 Electricity Uttar Pradesh Power Corp. Ltd. (UPPCL) - URBAN 143
178 Electricity Uttarakhand Power Corporation Limited 153
179 Electricity WESCO Utility 154
180 Electricity West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd 204
181 EMI Payment Aadhar Housing Finance Limited 534
182 EMI Payment Adani Capital Pvt Ltd 454
183 EMI Payment Adani Housing Finance 486
184 EMI Payment Agora Microfinance India Ltd - AMIL 489
185 EMI Payment Altum Credo Home Finance 457
186 EMI Payment Amrit Malwa Capital Limited 610
187 EMI Payment Annapurna Finance Private Limited-MFI 524
188 EMI Payment Annapurna Finance Private Limited-MSME 448
189 EMI Payment APAC Financial Services Pvt Ltd 571
190 EMI Payment Aptus Finance India Private Limited 515
191 EMI Payment Aptus Value Housing Finance India Limited 514
192 EMI Payment Arohan Financial Services Ltd 436
193 EMI Payment Ascend Capital 467
194 EMI Payment Ashv Finance 589
195 EMI Payment Asianet Digital 455
196 EMI Payment AU Bank Loan Repayment 435
197 EMI Payment Avanse Financial Services Ltd 445
198 EMI Payment Axis Bank Limited - Retail Loan 525
199 EMI Payment Axis Bank Limited-Microfinance 497
200 EMI Payment Axis Finance Limited 430
201 EMI Payment Ayaan Finserve India Private LTD 532
202 EMI Payment Aye Finance Pvt. Ltd. 545
203 EMI Payment Bajaj Allianz General Insurance 421
204 EMI Payment Bajaj Auto Finance 401
205 EMI Payment Bajaj Finance 400
206 EMI Payment Bajaj Housing Finance Limited 536
207 EMI Payment BBPSNEWSERVICEOperatorNameAirtelBSNLMTNLDish 465
208 EMI Payment BBPSNEWSERVICEOperatorNameAirtelBSNLMTNLDish 466
209 EMI Payment Belstar Microfinance Limited 543
210 EMI Payment Bharat Financial Inclusion Ltd 491
211 EMI Payment Bussan Auto Finance India Pvt Ltd 575
212 EMI Payment Capital India Home Loans Limited 612
213 EMI Payment Capri Global Capital Limited 424
214 EMI Payment Care India Finvest Limited 563
215 EMI Payment Cars24 Financial Services Private Limited 432
216 EMI Payment Centrum Microcredit Limited 537
217 EMI Payment Chaitanya India Fin Credit Pvt Ltd 462
218 EMI Payment Clix 419
219 EMI Payment CNH Industrial Capital Pvt. Ltd. 577
220 EMI Payment Credit One Payments Solutions Pvt Ltd 593
221 EMI Payment CreditAccess Grameen - Microfinance 483
222 EMI Payment CreditAccess Grameen - Retail Finance 484
223 EMI Payment Criss Financial Holdings Ltd 546
224 EMI Payment DCB Bank Loan Repayment 472
225 EMI Payment DCBS Loan 556
226 EMI Payment Deccan Finance Limited 585
227 EMI Payment Delhi Jal Board 404
228 EMI Payment Dev Finance 578
229 EMI Payment Dhansansar Nidhi Limited 596
230 EMI Payment Digamber Capfin Limited 463
231 EMI Payment Diwakar Tracom Private Limited 550
232 EMI Payment DMI Finance Private Limited 699
233 EMI Payment DvaraKshetriyaGraminFinancialsServicesPrivateLimi 503
234 EMI Payment Easy Home Finance Limited 429
235 EMI Payment Eduvanz Financing Pvt Ltd 473
236 EMI Payment Ekagrata Finance 573
237 EMI Payment Electronica Finance Limited 564
238 EMI Payment Equitas SFB – Microfinance Loan 538
239 EMI Payment ESAF Small Finance Bank (Micro Loans) 521
240 EMI Payment ESAF Small Finance Bank (Retails Loans) 611
241 EMI Payment EZFINANZE 584
242 EMI Payment Faircent 422
243 EMI Payment Fincare Small Finance Bank 453
244 EMI Payment Finova Capital Private Ltd 558
245 EMI Payment Flash Fibernet 415
246 EMI Payment FlexiLoans 459
247 EMI Payment FlexiLoans 460
248 EMI Payment FlexiLoans 461
249 EMI Payment Fortune Credit Capital Limited 576
250 EMI Payment Fortune Integrated Assets Finance Ltd 597
251 EMI Payment Fullerton India credit company limited 527
252 EMI Payment Fullerton India Housing Finance Limited 526
253 EMI Payment FutureGeneraliIndiaLifeInsuranceCompanyLimited 418
254 EMI Payment G U Financial Services Pvt Ltd 528
255 EMI Payment Gujarat State Petronet Limited 520
256 EMI Payment HDB Financial Services Limited 250
257 EMI Payment HDB Financial Services Limited 512
258 EMI Payment Hindon Mercantile Limited - Mufin 551
259 EMI Payment Hindon Mercantile Limited - Mufin 553
260 EMI Payment Hiranandani Financial Services Pvt Ltd 476
261 EMI Payment Home Credit India Finance Pvt. Ltd 449
262 EMI Payment Home Credit India Finance Pvt. Ltd 450
263 EMI Payment Home First Finance Company India Limited 477
264 EMI Payment HyderabadMetropolitanWaterSupplyandSewerageBoard 402
265 EMI Payment i2iFunding 423
266 EMI Payment ICICI BANK - Interest Repayment Loans 574
267 EMI Payment IDF Financial Services Private Limited 535
268 EMI Payment IIFL Finance Limited 480
269 EMI Payment IIFL Home Finance 481
270 EMI Payment InCred 529
271 EMI Payment India Home Loan Limited 471
272 EMI Payment India Shelter Finance Corporation Limited 451
273 EMI Payment Indiabulls Consumer Finance Limited 413
274 EMI Payment Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited 416
275 EMI Payment Indostar Capital Finance Limited - CV 540
276 EMI Payment Indostar Capital Finance Limited - SME 555
277 EMI Payment Indostar Home Finance Private Limited 552
278 EMI Payment INDUSIND BANK - CFD 458
279 EMI Payment Jain Autofin 431
280 EMI Payment Jain Motor Finmart 490
281 EMI Payment Jana Small Finance Bank 438
282 EMI Payment Janakalyan Financial Services Private Limited 487
283 EMI Payment John Deere Financial India Private Limited 505
284 EMI Payment Kanakadurga Finance Limited 452
285 EMI Payment Kerala Water Authority (KWA) 405
286 EMI Payment Khush Housing Finance Pvt Ltd 485
287 EMI Payment Kinara Capital 443
288 EMI Payment Kissht 441
289 EMI Payment Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.-Loans 509
290 EMI Payment Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.-Loans 510
291 EMI Payment Kotak Mahindra Prime Limited 498
292 EMI Payment Kredit Bee 570
293 EMI Payment Kusalava Finance Limited 594
294 EMI Payment L and T Housing Finance 414
295 EMI Payment L&T Financial Services 700
296 EMI Payment LIC Housing Finance Limited 548
297 EMI Payment Light Microfinance Pvt Ltd 479
298 EMI Payment LoanBaba 588
299 EMI Payment Loantap Credit Products Pvt Ltd 439
300 EMI Payment Loksuvidha 406
301 EMI Payment Lord Krishna Financial Services 591
302 EMI Payment M.P. Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran – RURAL 403
303 EMI Payment Mahaveer Finance India Limited 494
304 EMI Payment Mahindra and Mahindra Financial Services Limited 499
305 EMI Payment MDFC Financiers Pvt Ltd 560
306 EMI Payment Midland Microfin Ltd 464
307 EMI Payment Mintifi Finserve Pvt Ltd 475
308 EMI Payment Mitron Capital 516
309 EMI Payment Monedo Financial Services Pvt Ltd 595
310 EMI Payment Money View 569
311 EMI Payment MoneyTap 530
312 EMI Payment Moneywise Financial Services Private Limited 568
313 EMI Payment Motilal Oswal Home Finance 407
314 EMI Payment Muthoot Capital Services Ltd 531
315 EMI Payment Muthoot Finance 504
316 EMI Payment Muthoot Finance-Personal Loan 579
317 EMI Payment Muthoot Fincorp Ltd 488
318 EMI Payment Muthoot Homefin Limited 565
319 EMI Payment Muthoot Housing Finance Company Limited 519
320 EMI Payment Muthoot Money 554
321 EMI Payment Muthoot Money - Gold Loan 598
322 EMI Payment NABFINS 572
323 EMI Payment Netafim Agricultural Financing Agency 508
324 EMI Payment Netplus Broadband 411
325 EMI Payment Nidhilakshmi Finance 468
326 EMI Payment NM Finance 469
327 EMI Payment Novelty Finance Ltd 513
328 EMI Payment OHMYLOAN 446
329 EMI Payment OMLP2P.COM 447
330 EMI Payment Orange Retail Finance India Pvt Ltd 495
331 EMI Payment Oroboro 470
332 EMI Payment Pahal Financial Services Pvt Ltd 559
333 EMI Payment Paisa Dukan-Borrower EMI 408
334 EMI Payment Pooja Finelease 493
335 EMI Payment Poonawalla Fincorp Ltd 586
336 EMI Payment Prayagraj Nagar Nigam - Property 444
337 EMI Payment Punjab National Bank 587
338 EMI Payment R.Sen and Company Investment and Finance Pvt. Ltd. 581
339 EMI Payment Rander Peoples Co Operative Bank Ltd 523
340 EMI Payment Reliance ARC 557
341 EMI Payment Reliance Nippon Life Insurance 425
342 EMI Payment RMK Fincorp Pvt Ltd 541
343 EMI Payment Rupee Circle 562
344 EMI Payment Samasta Microfinance Limited 511
345 EMI Payment Sarvjan India Fintech Private Limited 533
346 EMI Payment Shine Blue Hire Purchase Ltd. 580
347 EMI Payment Shriram City Union Finance Ltd 412
348 EMI Payment Shriram Housing Finance Limited 440
349 EMI Payment Shriram Life Insurance Co Ltd 442
350 EMI Payment Shriram Transport Finance Company Limited 428
351 EMI Payment Shubham Housing Development Finance Company Ltd 549
352 EMI Payment SMEcorner 507
353 EMI Payment Smile Microfinance Limited 542
354 EMI Payment Snapmint 409
355 EMI Payment Spandana Rural And Urban Development Organisation 566
356 EMI Payment Spandana Sphoorty Financial Ltd 547
357 EMI Payment StashFin 492
358 EMI Payment Suryoday Small Finance Bank 567
359 EMI Payment Svatantra Microfin Private Limited 456
360 EMI Payment Swara Finance Limited 599
361 EMI Payment Tata Capital Financial Services Limited 410
362 EMI Payment Tata Capital Housing Finance Limited 506
363 EMI Payment Tata Motors Finance Limited 544
364 EMI Payment Thazhayil Nidhi Ltd 517
365 EMI Payment Toyota Financial Services 434
366 EMI Payment TVS Credit 482
367 EMI Payment UGRO Capital Limited 582
368 EMI Payment Ujjivan Small Finance Bank 478
369 EMI Payment Unity Small Finance Bank 590
370 EMI Payment Unnayan Bharat Finance Corporation Private Limited 613
371 EMI Payment Varthana 420
372 EMI Payment Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation - Property 433
373 EMI Payment Vastu Finserve India Private Limited 592
374 EMI Payment Vastu Housing Finance Corporation Limited 427
375 EMI Payment Vi 426
376 EMI Payment Vistaar Financial services Private Limited 496
377 EMI Payment We Pay Finance Pvt Ltd 583
378 EMI Payment X10 Financial Services Limited 518
379 EMI Payment Yogakshemam Loans Ltd 522
380 EMI Payment ZestMoney 437
381 EMI Payment Ziploan 539
382 Fastag Airtel Payments Bank NETC FASTag 304
383 Fastag Axis Bank 56
384 Fastag Bank Of Baroda 71
385 Fastag Equitas FASTag Recharge 58
386 Fastag Federal Bank - FASTag 62
387 Fastag HDFC Bank 54
388 Fastag Icici Bank Fastag 52
389 Fastag IDBI Bank FASTag 63
390 Fastag IDFC FIRST Bank - FasTag 55
391 Fastag IndianHighwaysManagementCompanyLtd –Indusind FASTa 70
392 Fastag IndusInd Bank- FASTag 69
393 Fastag IOB FASTag 53
394 Fastag Jammu and Kashmir Bank Fastag 61
395 Fastag Karnataka Bank Fastag 67
396 Fastag Kotak Mahindra Bank 57
397 Fastag Kotak Mahindra Bank - Fastag 301
398 Fastag Paul Merchants 60
399 Fastag Paytm Payments Bank FASTag 59
400 Fastag Paytm-Fastag 51
401 Fastag State Bank of India FASTag 68
402 Fastag Transaction Analyst FASTag 65
403 Fastag Transcorp International Limited 66
404 Fastag UCO Bank FASTag 64
405 GAS Bharat Gas 104
406 GAS Gujarat Gas 101
407 GAS HP Gas 103
408 GAS Indian Gas 102
409 Insurance Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co Limited 219
410 Insurance Aegon Life Insurance 92
411 Insurance Bajaj Allianz General Insurance 98
412 Insurance Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance 85
413 Insurance Bharti Axa Life Insurance 81
414 Insurance Birla Sun Life Insurance 80
415 Insurance Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of CommerceLifeInsurance 86
416 Insurance Chola Insurance 224
417 Insurance DHFL Pramerica Life Insurance Co. Ltd 88
418 Insurance Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance 83
419 Insurance Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance Company Limited 226
420 Insurance Exide Life Insurance 91
421 Insurance FutureGenerali India Life InsuranceCompanyLimited 97
422 Insurance Go Digit Insurance 221
423 Insurance HDFC Life Insurance Co. Ltd 94
424 Insurance ICICI Lombard General Insurance (Motor) 220
425 Insurance ICICI Prudential Life Insurance 78
426 Insurance IDBI federal Life Insurance 87
427 Insurance IndiaFirst Life Insurance 89
428 Insurance Kotak Life Insurance Company Limited 218
429 Insurance LIC 31
430 Insurance Magma HDI - Health Insurance 214
431 Insurance Magma HDI - Life Insurance 215
432 Insurance Magma HDI - Motor Insurance 216
433 Insurance Manipal Cigna Health Insurance 222
434 Insurance Max Bupa Health Insurance 212
435 Insurance Max Life Insurance 90
436 Insurance PNB Metlife 82
437 Insurance Pramerica Life Insurance Limited 96
438 Insurance Reliance General Insurance Company Limited 211
439 Insurance Reliance Nippon Life Insurance 99
440 Insurance Religare Health Insurance Co Ltd. 95
441 Insurance Royal Sundaram General Insurance Co. Limited 217
442 Insurance SBI General Insurance 93
443 Insurance SBI Life Insurance 84
444 Insurance Shriram General Insurance 213
445 Insurance Shriram General Insurance - Quote Payment 227
446 Insurance Shriram Life Insurance Co Ltd 210
447 Insurance Star Health And Allied Insurance Company 223
448 Insurance Star Union Dai Ichi Life Insurance 100
449 Insurance Tata AIA Life Insurance 79
450 Insurance Vastu Housing Finance Corporation Limited 228
451 Postpaid-Mobile Airtel Postpaid 72
452 Postpaid-Mobile BSNL Cellone 73
453 Postpaid-Mobile Jio 202
454 Postpaid-Mobile Reliance Jio Postpaid 76
455 Postpaid-Mobile Reliance Postpaid_CDMA 75
456 Postpaid-Mobile Tikona Infinet Pvt Ltd 74
457 Postpaid-Mobile Vodafone Postpaid 77
458 Prepaid-Mobile Airtel 600
459 Prepaid-Mobile BSNL 2
460 Prepaid-Mobile BSNL STV 7
461 Prepaid-Mobile BSNL TOPUP 8
462 Prepaid-Mobile Idea 3
463 Prepaid-Mobile Jio - 209, 125, 5
464 Prepaid-Mobile JIO OFFICE 601
465 Prepaid-Mobile Vi 6
466 Recharge Google Play 30

Sample Request (PHP - cURL)

GET Method

Parameters - List

Name Description
mobile Recharge Number (Mobile or DTH Number or Connection Number or Consumer Id or Policy No or Vehicle No)
Ex:- 9093030417
opr_code Recharge Api Operator Code
Ex:- 1
  • postpaid_mobi - For Postpaid Offer/bill Check.
  • broadband - For Broadband Offer/bill Check.
  • emi_payment - For Emi Payment Offer/bill Check.
  • loan - For Loan Offer/bill Check.
  • ele_mobi - For Electricity Offer/bill Check.
  • lic - For Insurance Offer/bill Check.
  • gas - For Gas Cylinder Offer/bill Check.
  • fastag_mobi - For Fastag Offer/bill Check.
  • ad1 (optional) Additional Parameter used in emi_payment, broadband,insurance,loan

    Response Data

    Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.


                "success": 0,
                "message": "Incorrect / invalid Customer account"


                "success": 1,
                "message": "Bill Info Fetched Successfully",
                "data": {
                    "bill_amount": "100.0",
                    "bill_net_amount": "100.0",
                    "min_bill_amount": "",
                    "cell_number": "WB23C8125",
                    "username": "User name",
                    "userName": "User Name"

    Sample Request (PHP - cURL)

    GET Method


    Parameters - List

    Name Description
    token Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting.
    This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header.
    Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45

    Response Data

    Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

    success : 0 (failure)

                "success" : 0,
                "message" : "Failure reason"

    success : 1 (balance get successfully)

                "success": 1,
                "message": "Balance Fetched Successfully.",
                "data": {
                    "wallet_balance": "0.20",
                    "trade_balance": "90.00",
                    "payout_balance": "0.00"

    Response Prameters -List

    Name Description
    success 0 - Failed to initiate recharge
    1 - Recharge request accepted
    message Reason for success or failed
    wallet_balance Api Wallet Balance
    trade_balance Aeps Trade Balance
    payout_balance Available Balance For Payout

    Sample Request (PHP - cURL)

    GET Method


    Parameters - List

    Name Description
    mobile Recharge Number (Mobile or DTH Number)
    Ex:- 9093030417
    opr_code Recharge Api Operator Code
    Ex:- 1
  • prepaid - For Recharge Api Operator Code.
  • Response Data

    Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.


            "records": {
                "msg": "Pls Pass Vaild Operator"
            "status": 0


            "tel": "9093030417",
            "operator": "Jio",
            "records": [
                    "rs": "2999",
                    "desc": "Rs 2999-12m-2.5GB/D -> Benefits:  1. UNLIMITED DATA - 912.5 GB (2.5 GB/Day)  2. UNLIMITED CALLS 3. 100 SMS/Day 4. Complimentary Jio Apps Validity - 365 days"
                    "rs": "719",
                    "desc": "Rs 719-3m-2GB/D -> Benefits:  1. UNLIMITED DATA - 168 GB (2 GB/Day) 2. UNLIMITED CALLS 3. 100 SMS/Day 4. Complimentary Jio Apps Validity - 84 days"
            "status": 1,
            "time": 1.0535790920257568

    Sample Request (PHP - cURL)

    GET Method


    Parameters - List

    Name Description
    token Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting.
    This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header.
    Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
    order_id Order Id Received From Api Response.
    Ex:- 123456

    Response Data

    Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

    success : 0 (failure)

                "success" : 0,
                "message" : "Failure reason"

    success : 1 (success)

                "success": 1,
                "message": "Balance Fetched Successfully.",
                "data": {
                    "order_id": "123456",
                    "reference_id": "10223",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "opr_txn_id": "123FBND123",
                    "remark": "remark message",

    Response Prameters -List

    Name Description
    success 0 - Failed to fetch recharge status
    1 - Recharge status fetched successfully
    order_id Api Portal Order Id
    reference_id Refernce Id Given From Your Side
    status SUCCESS - recharge success
    PENDING - recharge pending
    FAILED - recharge failed
    REFUNDED - recharge failed and amount refunded
    opr_txn_id Operator Transaction Id
    message Reason for success or failed if any

    Sample Request (PHP - cURL)

    POST Method

            $curl = curl_init();
            curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
              CURLOPT_URL => "",
              CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
              CURLOPT_ENCODING => "",
              CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10,
              CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0,
              CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true,
              CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('shop_name' => 'Your shop Name','name' => 'Harshad Sanyal','state' => 'West Bengal','district' => 'North 24 Pragnas','address' => 'Bongaon','pincode' => '456788','mobile' => '9093030417','email' => '','dob' => '2001-10-29','pan_no' => 'XXXXX1234X','aadhar_no' => '123412341234','ref_id'=>'123456789'),
              CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                "Authorization: Bearer 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45"
            $response = curl_exec($curl);
            echo $response;

    Parameters - List

    Name Description
    Authorization Header This variable is used only in POST Method
    Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header.
    Avail this Token from user login api setting.
    Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
    shop_name Your Shop Name
    Ex:- Krishna Online Center
    name ShopKeeper Name
    Ex:- Narendra Damodardas Modi
    state State Name
    Ex:- West Bengal
    district District Name
    Ex:- South 24 Pargnas
    address Address
    Ex:- Village,P.o,p.s.
    pincode 6 digit postal code
    Ex:- 743611
    mobile Applicant Mobile No, exact 10 digit length
    Ex:- 9093030417
    email Applicant's Email ID
    pan_no Applicant's Pan Card No, exact 10 character
    Ex:- AAAAA1234A
    aadhar_no Applicant's Aadhar no, exact 12 digit lenght
    Ex:- 123412341234
    ref_id Your Ref Id , Up to 40 Character (Optional)
    Ex:- 123456789

    Response Data

    Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

    success : 0 (failure response)

                "success" : 0,
                "message" : "Failure reason"

    success : 1 (success response)

                "success": 1,
                "message": "User Registration Request Submitted Successfully.",
                "data": {
                    "psa_id": "ANNEX20202",
                    "ref_id": "123456789",
                    "status": "APPROVED"

    Response Prameters -List

    Name Description
    success 0 - Failed to initiate recharge
    1 - Recharge request accepted
    message Reason for success or failed
    psa_id PSA Registration Id
    ref_id Your Ref Id
    status APPROVED

    Callback URL

    Please Update Your IP Address and PSA Registration Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
    Example :

    Notes :-
    1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
    2. Callback url will hit only when PSA status updated to APPROVED or REJECTED.
    3. If you want to verify callback than you can request authorization token from header and compare it with your token.
                "success" : 1,
                "message" : "PSA Request Status Updated.",
                "data" : {
                    "psa_id" : "ANNEX20202",
                    "ref_id" : "123456789",
                    "status" : "APPROVED",
                    "remark" : "remark message",
                    "updated_at" : "2020-12-24 10:00:00"
                "success" : 1,
                "message" : "Message",
                "data" : {
                    "psa_id" : "ANNEX20202",
                    "ref_id" : "123456789",
                    "status" : "REJECTED",
                    "remark" : "remark message",
                    "updated_at" : "2020-12-24 10:00:00"

    Sample Request (PHP - cURL)

    POST Method

            $curl = curl_init();
            curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
              CURLOPT_URL => "",
              CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
              CURLOPT_ENCODING => "",
              CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10,
              CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0,
              CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true,
              CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('psa_id' => 'ANNEX20202','shop_name' => 'Your shop Name','name' => 'Harshad Sanyal','state' => 'West Bengal','district' => 'South 24 Pragnas','address' => 'Pathakhali','pincode' => '456788','mobile' => '9093030417','email' => 'ads@bharatpays.i','dob' => '2001-10-29','pan_no' => 'XXXXX1234X','aadhar_no' => '123412341234'),
              CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                "Authorization: Bearer 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45"
            $response = curl_exec($curl);
            echo $response;

    Parameters - List

    Name Description
    Authorization Header This variable is used only in POST Method
    Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header.
    Avail this Token from user login api setting.
    Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
    psa_id PSA ID
    Ex:- ANNEX20202
    shop_name Your Shop Name
    Ex:- Krishna Online Center
    name ShopKeeper Name
    Ex:- Narendra Damodardas Modi
    state State Name
    Ex:- West Bengal
    district District Name
    Ex:- South 24 Pargnas
    address Address
    Ex:- Village, p.o, p.s.
    pincode 6 digit postal code
    Ex:- 743611
    mobile Applicant Mobile No, exact 10 digit length
    Ex:- 9093030417
    email Applicant's Email ID
    pan_no Applicant's Pan Card No, exact 10 character
    Ex:- AAAAA1234A
    aadhar_no Applicant's Aadhar no, exact 12 digit lenght
    Ex:- 123412341234

    Response Data

    Note :-
    1. Only Rejected Request Can be Update.
    2. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

    success : 0 (failure response)

                "success" : 0,
                "message" : "Failure reason"

    success : 1 (success response)

                "success": 1,
                "message": "PSA Request Data Update Successfully.",
                "data": {
                    "status": "APPROVED"

    Response Prameters -List

    Name Description
    success 0 - Failed to initiate recharge
    1 - Recharge request accepted
    message Reason for success or failed
    status APPROVED

    Sample Request (PHP - cURL)

    POST Method

            $curl = curl_init();
            curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
              CURLOPT_URL => "",
              CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
              CURLOPT_ENCODING => "",
              CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10,
              CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0,
              CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true,
              CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('psa_id' => 'ANNEX20202','coupon' => '10','ref_id'=>'123456sdaf123456'),
              CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                "Authorization: Bearer 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45"
            $response = curl_exec($curl);
            echo $response;

    Parameters - List

    Name Description
    Authorization Header This variable is used only in POST Method
    Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header.
    Avail this Token from user login api setting.
    Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
    psa_id PSA ID
    Ex:- ANNEX20202
    coupon No of Coupon
    Ex:- 10
    ref_id Your Reference Id (optional)
    Ex:- 123456sdaf123456

    Response Data

    Note :-
    1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

    success : 0 (failure response)

                "success" : 0,
                "message" : "Failure reason"

    success : 1 (success response)

                "success": 1,
                "message": "PSA Coupon Purchased Successfully.",
                "data": {
                    "status": "APPROVED",
                    "remark": "remark message",
                    "request_id": "6569858",
                    "ref_id" : "123456sdaf123456"

    Response Prameters -List

    Name Description
    success 0 - Failed to initiate recharge
    1 - Recharge request accepted
    message Reason for success or failed
    request_id Request ID of Coupon Purchased
    ref_id Your Reference Id for Coupon Purchase
    remark Remark message from api admin
    status APPROVED

    Callback URL

    Please Update Your IP Address and PSA Transaction Callback Url (Coupon Purchase) in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
    Example :

    Notes :-
    1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
    2. Callback url will hit only when PSA status updated to APPROVED or REJECTED.
    3. If you want to verify callback than you can request authorization token from header and compare it with your token.
                "success" : 1,
                "message" : "Request Status Updated",
                "data" : {
                    "request_id" : "21365",
                    "ref_id" : "123456sdaf123456",
                    "status" : "APPROVED",
                    "remark" : "remark message",
                    "updated_at" : "01/01/2020"

    Sample Request (PHP - cURL)

    GET Method

            $curl = curl_init();
            curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
              CURLOPT_URL => "",
              CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
              CURLOPT_ENCODING => "",
              CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10,
              CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0,
              CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true,
            $response = curl_exec($curl);
            echo $response;

    Parameters - List

    Name Description
    Authorization Header This variable is used only in POST Method
    Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header.
    Avail this Token from user login api setting.
    Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
    psa_id PSA ID
    Ex:- ANNEX20202

    Response Data

    Note :- 1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

    success : 0 (failure response)

                "success" : 0,
                "message" : "Failure reason"

    success : 1 (success response)

                "success": 1,
                "message": "PSA Password request is Submitted Successfully.",

    Response Prameters -List

    Name Description
    success 0 - Failed to initiate recharge
    1 - Recharge request accepted
    message Reason for success or failed

    Operators - List

    Sr. No Operator Name Operator Code (opr_code)
    1 Adani power AEML
    2 Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. AVVNL
    3 Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd. (NON-RAPDR) NRAPDR
    4 Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd. (RAPDR) RAPDR
    5 Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Ltd. (BESCOM) BESCOM
    7 Bharatpur Electricity Services Ltd. KEDL
    8 Bikaner Electricity Supply Limited KEDL
    9 BSES Rajdhani - Delhi BSESR
    10 BSES Yamuna - Delhi BSESY
    11 Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation (CESC) CESC
    12 Chamundeshwari Electricity Supply Corporation Ltd. (Cesc,Mysore) CESCOM
    13 Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Company Ltd. (CSPDCL) CSPDCL
    14 Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Ltd DGVCL
    15 Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam DHBVN
    16 Daman and Diu Electricity DNDE
    17 DNH Power Distribution Company Limited DNHPDCL
    18 Eastern Power Distribution Company of Andhra Pradesh Ltd. APEPDCL
    19 Goa Electricity GOAELC
    20 Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company Ltd. (GESCOM) GESCOM
    21 Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Ltd. HPSEBL
    22 Hubli Electricity Supply Company Ltd. (HESCOM) HESCOM
    23 ICICI Bank Fastag TOLL00000NAT72
    24 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. JVVNL
    25 Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. JDVVNL
    26 Kanpur Electricity Supply Company KESCO
    27 Kerala State Electricity Board Ltd. KSEB
    28 Kota Electricity Distribution Ltd. KEDL
    29 Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Ltd. MGVCL
    30 Madhya Pradesh Paschim Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Ltd. MPPKVVCL
    31 Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution MSEDCL
    32 Mahavitaran-Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd. MSEDCL
    33 Mangalore Electricity Supply Co. Ltd. (MESCOM) - RAPDR MESCOMR
    34 MP Madhaya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran -Urban MPPKVVCLMU
    35 MP Madhaya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran- Rular MPPKVVCLMR
    36 MP Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitran - Bhopal MPPKVVCL
    37 MP Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran - Jabalpur MPPKVVCLPUU
    38 MP Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran - Rular MPPKVVCLPUR
    39 NESCO Odisha NESCO
    40 North Bihar Power Distribution NBPDCL
    41 Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Ltd PGVCL
    42 Paytm Payments Bank FASTag PAYT00000NATTQ
    43 Punjab State Power Corporation Limted PSPCL
    44 Reliance Energy RELIANCE
    45 South Bihar Power Distribution SBPDCL
    47 Southern Power Distribution Company of A.P Ltd. APSPDCL
    48 Tamil Nadu Electricity Board TNEB
    49 Tata Power TATA
    50 Torrent Power Agra TORRENTAGRA
    51 Torrent Power Ahemdabad TORRENTAHME
    52 Torrent Power Bhivandi TORRENTBHIVA
    53 Torrent Power Dahej TORRENTDAHEJ
    54 Torrent Power Surat TORRENTSURAT
    55 TP Ajmer Distribution Ltd. TPADL
    56 Tripura state Electricity corporation TSECL
    57 Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam UHBVN
    58 Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited UPPCL
    59 Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited UPPCLR
    60 Uttarakhand Power Corporation Limited UPCL
    61 UttarGujarat Vij Company Ltd. UGVCL
    62 West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited WBSEEDCL
    63 Western Electricity supply co. Of orissa ltd. WESCO


    Get Method

                                curl --location --request GET ''

    Parameters - List

    Name Description
    token Api Token Value for authetication,Avail this Token from user login api setting.
    This variable is used only in GET Method, For POST Method you have to pass this value in Authorization Header.
    Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
    mobile Agent MobileNumber
    Ex:- 9093030417
    email Agent Email Id
    firm Agent Firm (Company) Name
    reference_id Your Reference Id (similar to order_id from your side) (optional)
    Ex:- 123 (numeric Key - Max Length : 10 digit)

    Response Data

    Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.

    success : 0 (failure)

                "success" : 0,
                "message" : "Failure reason"

    success : 1 (success)

                "success" : 1,
                "message" : "Agent Request Submitted Successfully",
                "data" : {
                    "status" : "PENDING",
                    "redirecturl" : "onboard url for kyc",
                    "merchantcode" : "AGENT01",
                    "reqid" : "6203733",

    Callback URL

    Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
    Example :

    Notes :-
    1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
    2. We will hit this callback url with type="matm_reg_charge" when agent onboard kyc process initiated to debit registration charge, You have to debit the registration charge from agent and then have to give response with json data to forward onboarding process.
    3. If you want to verify callback than you can request authorization token from header and compare it with your token.
                "success" : 1,
                "message" : "Message",
                "data" : {
                    "type" : "matm_reg_charge",
                    "amount" : "10",
                    "reqid" : "SUCCESS",
                    "ref_id" : "6203733",
                    "status" : "PENDING",
                    "merchantcode" : "AGENT01"

    Response Handling

    Once you debit the registration charge from agent you have to give response in below json format to make agent onboarding success or failed

                "success" : 1,
                "message" : "Registration Charge Debited Successfully",
                "success" : 0,
                "message" : "Failed to Debit Registration Charge",


    POST Method

        curl --location --request POST '' \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer 1231231432123123' \
            --form 'merchantcode="AGENT01"' \
            --form 'user_txn_id="123"' \
            --form 'aadharcard="123412341234"' \
            --form 'mobile="8888888888"' \
            --form 'bank_id="607094"' \
            --form 'device="mantra"' \
            --form 'latitude="22.7338826"' \
            --form 'longitude="88.8172865"' \
            --form 'device_response="<\\\?\\\xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"UTF-8\\\" standalone=\\\"yes\\\" \\\?\\\>                                 <\\/additional_info>   <\\/DeviceInfo>   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<\\/Data>   oaEeHpu7vTATBAw2XUDRCsaVKSGd9FbPN+FeqTn63L32MRgUN66zp3vXCw6dgNkdUxOf3vS\\/pCldRCdJ1iWLAnX+fje+Kn\\/yvsu4sGasOO7VohF5k1V7MZQQtevexDJi6a98dFnkFSZ0yyK1aCnUXldPpNC9UAqS20apsJCXZ\\/rPf6QVbfNHR5aFWAh4xQ0+oIfqF0ug1aZACvzNMgnFGSPCmNQFuEWqcLxUyFZSfeC8OZuYwVoAT79qi6XjROBYCFfV0yHcFHgCG0BottZ6M4a1R+ihs6vjdkwvsEwpVJgamHHrAGcr2muScPUhog1ohfcRiaUzdzSFT2HF7gnPCA==<\\/Skey>   DtBAa4zAHd+6C7oMNxcuitOxA+2hkWkwTcqr0uzcfoohjBvffFQZ38cvgjYJVxxV<\\/Hmac>   <\\/PidData>"' \
            --form 'ipaddress=""' \
            --form 'accessmodetype="SITE"'

    Parameters - List

    Name Description
    Authorization Header This variable is used only in POST Method
    Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header.
    Avail this Token from user login api setting.
    Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
    merchantcode Agent Merchant Code
    Ex:- AGENT01
    user_txn_id REF ID FROM YOUR END
    aadharcard Cutomer Aadhar No : 123413241234
    mobile Cusomer Mobile No : 8888877777
    bank_id Bank ID Ex:- 607094 , You will find "Bank List Table" below, to get the list of supported banks and their respective ids
    device Possible Values : mantra,morpho,startek,precision,secugen,next biometrics,aratek,evolution,tatvik
    latitude 22.7338826
    longitude 88.8172865
    device_response XML Response from finger print device as it is ex: <\\\?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\" \\\?\\\> <\/additional_info> <\/DeviceInfo> 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<\/Data> oaEeHpu7vTATBAw2XUDRCsaVKSGd9FbPN+FeqTn63L32MRgUN66zp3vXCw6dgNkdUxOf3vS\/pCldRCdJ1iWLAnX+fje+Kn\/yvsu4sGasOO7VohF5k1V7MZQQtevexDJi6a98dFnkFSZ0yyK1aCnUXldPpNC9UAqS20apsJCXZ\/rPf6QVbfNHR5aFWAh4xQ0+oIfqF0ug1aZACvzNMgnFGSPCmNQFuEWqcLxUyFZSfeC8OZuYwVoAT79qi6XjROBYCFfV0yHcFHgCG0BottZ6M4a1R+ihs6vjdkwvsEwpVJgamHHrAGcr2muScPUhog1ohfcRiaUzdzSFT2HF7gnPCA==<\/Skey> DtBAa4zAHd+6C7oMNxcuitOxA+2hkWkwTcqr0uzcfoohjBvffFQZ38cvgjYJVxxV<\/Hmac> <\/PidData>
    accessmodetype Possible values : APP,SITE (For mobile application use APP, For website use SITE)

    Response Data

    Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
    Possible status value is : SUCCESS,PENDING,FAILED

    success : 0 (failure)

            "success" : 0,
            "message" : "Failure reason"

    success : 1 (success)

              "success": 1,
              "message": "Transaction Success.",
              "data": {
                "txn_id": "2050351212",
                "user_txn_id": "255301",
                "status": "SUCCESS",
                "amount": null,
                "txn_type": "BE",
                "ref_no": "3680533",
                "pay_id": "201912232635",
                "account_balance": "2071.5800",
                "err_code": null,
                "ms": null,
                "remark": "Request Completed"

    Bank List

    Bank Id (bank_id) Bank Name
    990320 Airtel Payment Bank
    607105 Allahabad Bank
    607024 Allahabad UP Gramin Bank
    607161 Andhra Bank
    607198 Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikash Bank
    607121 Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank
    607051 AP Mahesh Coop Urban Bank Ltd
    607064 Assam Gramin Vikash Bank
    608087 AU Small Finance Bank
    607153 Axis Bank
    607063 Bangiya Gramin Vikash Bank
    606985 Bank Of Baroda
    508505 Bank of India
    607387 Bank of Maharashtra
    606995 Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank
    607280 Baroda Rajasthan Kshetriya Gramin Bank
    606993 Baroda Uttar Pradesh Gramin Bank
    607396 Canara Bank
    607082 Catholic Syrian Bank
    607264 Central Bank of India
    607080 Chaitanya Godavari Gramin Bank
    607214 Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank
    607324 City Union Bank
    607136 Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank
    508547 Dena Bank
    607099 Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank
    607218 Ellaquai Dehati Bank
    508998 Equitas Small Finance Bank
    607363 Federal Bank
    817304 Fincare Small Finance Bank
    608001 Fino Payments Bank
    607152 HDFC Bank
    607140 Himachal Pradesh Gramin Bank
    508534 ICICI Bank
    607095 IDBI Bank
    608117 IDFC First Bank
    608314 India Post Payment Bank
    607105 Indian bank
    607126 Indian Overseas Bank
    607189 IndusInd Bank
    607440 Jammu & Kashmir Bank
    607210 Jharkhand Gramin Bank
    607270 Karnataka Bank
    607512 Karnataka Gramin Bank
    607122 Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank
    508662 Karur Vysya Bank
    607365 Kashi Gomati Samyut Gramin Bank
    607399 Kerala Gramin Bank
    990309 Kotak Mahindra Bank
    607058 Lakshmi Vilas Bank
    607203 Langpi Dehangi Rural Bank
    607022 Madhya Pradesh Gramin Bank
    607232 Madhyanchal Gramin Bank
    607000 Maharashtra Gramin Bank
    607062 Manipur Rural Bank
    607206 Meghalaya Rural Bank
    607230 Mizoram Rural Bank
    607060 Odisha Gramya Bank
    607027 Oriental Bank of Commerce
    607052 Pallavan Grama Bank
    607059 Pandyan Grama Bank
    607079 Paschim Banga Gramin Bank
    607400 Pragathi Krishna Gramin Bank
    607135 Prathama Bank
    607054 Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank
    607087 Punjab & Sind Bank
    607138 Punjab Gramin Bank
    607212 Purvanchal Gramin Bank
    607509 Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank
    607393 Ratnakar Bank
    607053 Saptagiri Grameena Bank
    607139 Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank
    607200 Saurashtra Gramin Bank
    607119 Shivalik Mercantile Cooperative Bank
    607439 South Indian Bank
    607094 State Bank of India
    607187 Tamilnad Mercantile Bank
    607195 Telangana Grameena Bank
    652150 The Saraswat Co-operative Bank Ltd
    607065 Tripura Gramin Bank
    607066 UCO Bank
    508991 Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited
    607234 Utkal Gramin Bank
    607073 Uttar Banga Kshetriya Gramin Bank
    607069 Uttar Bihar Grameen Bank
    607197 Uttarakhand Gramin Bank
    607020 Vidarbha Konkan Gramin Bank
    607618 YES Bank
    608032 Paytm Payments Bank
    607024 Aryavart Bank
    607161 Corporation Bank
    607024 Gramin bank of Aryavart
    607210 Jharkhand Rajya Gramin Bank
    607136 Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank erstwhile Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank
    607022 Narmada Jhabua Gramin Bank
    607135 Prathma UP Gramin Bank
    607027 Punjab National Bank
    607135 Sarva UP Gramin Bank
    607396 Syndicate Bank
    607052 TamilNadu Grama Bank
    607161 Union Bank of India
    607027 United Bank Of India
    607210 Vananchal Gramin Bank
    606985 Vijaya Bank
    0 Bandhan Bank Limited


    POST Method

        curl --location --request POST '' \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer 1231231432123123' \
            --form 'merchantcode="AGENT01"' \
            --form 'user_txn_id="123"' \
            --form 'aadharcard="123412341234"' \
            --form 'mobile="8888888888"' \
            --form 'bank_id="607094"' \
            --form 'device="mantra"' \
            --form 'latitude="22.7338826"' \
            --form 'longitude="88.8172865"' \
            --form 'device_response="<\\\?\\\xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"UTF-8\\\" standalone=\\\"yes\\\" \\\?\\\>                                 <\\/additional_info>   <\\/DeviceInfo>   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<\\/Data>   oaEeHpu7vTATBAw2XUDRCsaVKSGd9FbPN+FeqTn63L32MRgUN66zp3vXCw6dgNkdUxOf3vS\\/pCldRCdJ1iWLAnX+fje+Kn\\/yvsu4sGasOO7VohF5k1V7MZQQtevexDJi6a98dFnkFSZ0yyK1aCnUXldPpNC9UAqS20apsJCXZ\\/rPf6QVbfNHR5aFWAh4xQ0+oIfqF0ug1aZACvzNMgnFGSPCmNQFuEWqcLxUyFZSfeC8OZuYwVoAT79qi6XjROBYCFfV0yHcFHgCG0BottZ6M4a1R+ihs6vjdkwvsEwpVJgamHHrAGcr2muScPUhog1ohfcRiaUzdzSFT2HF7gnPCA==<\\/Skey>   DtBAa4zAHd+6C7oMNxcuitOxA+2hkWkwTcqr0uzcfoohjBvffFQZ38cvgjYJVxxV<\\/Hmac>   <\\/PidData>"' \
            --form 'ipaddress=""' \
            --form 'accessmodetype="SITE"'

    Parameters - List

    Name Description
    Authorization Header This variable is used only in POST Method
    Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header.
    Avail this Token from user login api setting.
    Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
    merchantcode Agent Merchant Code
    Ex:- AGENT01
    user_txn_id REF ID FROM YOUR END
    aadharcard Cutomer Aadhar No : 123413241234
    mobile Cusomer Mobile No : 8888877777
    bank_id Bank ID Ex:- 607094 , You will find "Bank List Table" below, to get the list of supported banks and their respective ids
    device Possible Values : mantra,morpho,startek,precision,secugen,next biometrics,aratek,evolution,tatvik
    latitude 22.7338826
    longitude 88.8172865
    device_response XML Response from finger print device as it is ex: <\\\?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\" \\\?\\\> <\/additional_info> <\/DeviceInfo> 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<\/Data> oaEeHpu7vTATBAw2XUDRCsaVKSGd9FbPN+FeqTn63L32MRgUN66zp3vXCw6dgNkdUxOf3vS\/pCldRCdJ1iWLAnX+fje+Kn\/yvsu4sGasOO7VohF5k1V7MZQQtevexDJi6a98dFnkFSZ0yyK1aCnUXldPpNC9UAqS20apsJCXZ\/rPf6QVbfNHR5aFWAh4xQ0+oIfqF0ug1aZACvzNMgnFGSPCmNQFuEWqcLxUyFZSfeC8OZuYwVoAT79qi6XjROBYCFfV0yHcFHgCG0BottZ6M4a1R+ihs6vjdkwvsEwpVJgamHHrAGcr2muScPUhog1ohfcRiaUzdzSFT2HF7gnPCA==<\/Skey> DtBAa4zAHd+6C7oMNxcuitOxA+2hkWkwTcqr0uzcfoohjBvffFQZ38cvgjYJVxxV<\/Hmac> <\/PidData>
    accessmodetype Possible values : APP,SITE (For mobile application use APP, For website use SITE)

    Response Data

    Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
    Possible status value is : SUCCESS,PENDING,FAILED

    success : 0 (failure)

                "success" : 0,
                "message" : "Failure reason"

    success : 1 (success)

              "success": 1,
              "message": "Transaction Success.",
              "data": {
                "txn_id": "506162190967",
                "user_txn_id": "255357",
                "status": "SUCCESS",
                "amount": null,
                "txn_type": "MS",
                "ref_no": "7413038",
                "pay_id": "201913683072",
                "account_balance": "4292.0000",
                "err_code": null,
                "ms": "[{\"date\":\"19\\\/01\",\"txnType\":\"Dr\",\"amount\":\"2000.0\",\"narration\":\" FIG\\\/F\\\/87583596   \"},{\"date\":\"17\\\/01\",\"txnType\":\"Cr\",\"amount\":\"3000.0\",\"narration\":\" NEF\\\/F\\\/63535397   \"},{\"date\":\"16\\\/01\",\"txnType\":\"Dr\",\"amount\":\"1010.0\",\"narration\":\" FIG\\\/F\\\/50100585   \"}]",
                "remark": "Request Completed"


    POST Method

    curl --location --request POST '' \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer 1231231432123123' \
        --form 'amount="101"' \
        --form 'merchantcode="AGENT01"' \
        --form 'user_txn_id="123"' \
        --form 'aadharcard="123412341234"' \
        --form 'mobile="8888888888"' \
        --form 'bank_id="607094"' \
        --form 'device="mantra"' \
        --form 'latitude="22.7338826"' \
        --form 'longitude="88.8172865"' \
        --form 'device_response="<\\\?\\\xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"UTF-8\\\" standalone=\\\"yes\\\" \\\?\\\>                                 <\\/additional_info>   <\\/DeviceInfo>   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<\\/Data>   oaEeHpu7vTATBAw2XUDRCsaVKSGd9FbPN+FeqTn63L32MRgUN66zp3vXCw6dgNkdUxOf3vS\\/pCldRCdJ1iWLAnX+fje+Kn\\/yvsu4sGasOO7VohF5k1V7MZQQtevexDJi6a98dFnkFSZ0yyK1aCnUXldPpNC9UAqS20apsJCXZ\\/rPf6QVbfNHR5aFWAh4xQ0+oIfqF0ug1aZACvzNMgnFGSPCmNQFuEWqcLxUyFZSfeC8OZuYwVoAT79qi6XjROBYCFfV0yHcFHgCG0BottZ6M4a1R+ihs6vjdkwvsEwpVJgamHHrAGcr2muScPUhog1ohfcRiaUzdzSFT2HF7gnPCA==<\\/Skey>   DtBAa4zAHd+6C7oMNxcuitOxA+2hkWkwTcqr0uzcfoohjBvffFQZ38cvgjYJVxxV<\\/Hmac>   <\\/PidData>"' \
        --form 'ipaddress=""' \
        --form 'accessmodetype="SITE"'

    Parameters - List

    Name Description
    Authorization Header This variable is used only in POST Method
    Bearer Token Method is used for authorization, You have to set this token value in authorization header.
    Avail this Token from user login api setting.
    Ex:- 5dj2540cb850e02030499f2b00d45
    amount Amount to Withdraw min :100, max : 10000
    merchantcode Agent Merchant Code
    Ex:- AGENT01
    user_txn_id REF ID FROM YOUR END
    aadharcard Cutomer Aadhar No : 123413241234
    mobile Cusomer Mobile No : 8888877777
    bank_id Bank ID Ex:- 607094 , You will find "Bank List Table" below, to get the list of supported banks and their respective ids
    device Possible Values : mantra,morpho,startek,precision,secugen,next biometrics,aratek,evolution,tatvik
    latitude 22.7338826
    longitude 88.8172865
    device_response XML Response from finger print device as it is ex: <\\\?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\" \\\?\\\> <\/additional_info> <\/DeviceInfo> 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<\/Data> oaEeHpu7vTATBAw2XUDRCsaVKSGd9FbPN+FeqTn63L32MRgUN66zp3vXCw6dgNkdUxOf3vS\/pCldRCdJ1iWLAnX+fje+Kn\/yvsu4sGasOO7VohF5k1V7MZQQtevexDJi6a98dFnkFSZ0yyK1aCnUXldPpNC9UAqS20apsJCXZ\/rPf6QVbfNHR5aFWAh4xQ0+oIfqF0ug1aZACvzNMgnFGSPCmNQFuEWqcLxUyFZSfeC8OZuYwVoAT79qi6XjROBYCFfV0yHcFHgCG0BottZ6M4a1R+ihs6vjdkwvsEwpVJgamHHrAGcr2muScPUhog1ohfcRiaUzdzSFT2HF7gnPCA==<\/Skey> DtBAa4zAHd+6C7oMNxcuitOxA+2hkWkwTcqr0uzcfoohjBvffFQZ38cvgjYJVxxV<\/Hmac> <\/PidData>
    accessmodetype Possible values : APP,SITE (For mobile application use APP, For website use SITE)

    Response Data

    Note : All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
    Possible status value is : SUCCESS,PENDING,FAILED

    success : 0 (failure)

            "success" : 0,
            "message" : "Failure reason"

    success : 1 (success)

          "success": 1,
          "message": "Transaction Success.",
          "data": {
            "txn_id": "310658031294",
            "user_txn_id": "21120",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "amount": "101.00",
            "txn_type": "CW",
            "ref_no": "3896616",
            "pay_id": "201913379355",
            "account_balance": "32974.0000",
            "err_code": null,
            "ms": null,
            "remark": "Request Completed"

    Please import below link to your postman to get api collection:
    Link :

    Callback URL

    Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
    Example :

    Notes :-
    1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
    2. Callback url will hit only when Virtual Payment Transaction is Performed, Possible status value : SUCCESS , PENDING , FAILED.
    3. If you want to verify callback than you can request authorization token from header and compare it with your token.
                    "success" : 1,
                    "message" : "Virtual Payment Received.",
                    "data" : {
                        "type" : "va_transaction",
                        "id" : "123456789",
                        "status" : "SUCCESS",
                        "amount" : "100.00",
                        "bank_ref_id" : "4564878745646",
                        "payment_mode" : "IMPS",
                        "vpa" : "test.3000002229@icici",
                        "virtual_accounts_id" : "2022521",
                        "remark" : "remark message",
                        "created_at" : "2020-12-24 10:00:00"

    Please import below link to your postman to get api collection:
    Link :

    Callback URL

    Please Update Your IP Address and Recharge Callback Url in your Login Panel (from API Setting).
    Example :

    Notes :-
    1. All response will be available to you in json format as mentioned below.
    2. Callback url will hit only when Virtual QR Transaction is Performed, Possible status value : SUCCESS , PENDING , FAILED.
    3. If you want to verify callback than you can request authorization token from header and compare it with your token.
            "success" : 1,
            "message" : "Virtual Payment Received.",
            "data" : {
                "type" : "va_transaction",
                "id" : "123456789",
                "status" : "SUCCESS",
                "amount" : "100.00",
                "bank_ref_id" : "4564878745646",
                "payment_mode" : "IMPS",
                "vpa" : "test.3000002229@icici",
                "virtual_accounts_id" : "2022521",
                "remark" : "remark message",
                "created_at" : "2020-12-24 10:00:00"

    Please import below link to your postman to get api collection:
    Link :

    Please import below link to your postman to get api collection:
    Link :